IOS 7 update on my iPad with retina display


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
Was a little hesitant but decided to go ahead and update my iPad with IOS 7.

It took 10 minutes to download and another 20 minutes to fully update and restart. It is working fine with no issues on any front. I am posting this message from it. :D
Heard many people having issues with battery life..

A few even saying it seems to have halved it compared to previous update
I have not really noticed excessive battery drain since I updated it 2 days ago. But if I feel there is a battery drain I will report it here. I think the battery drain has more to do with the iPhone than with iPad but I could be wrong. We'll see.
I noticed that many apps refresh on their own and that could be the cause of battery drain that so many complain. The setting can be changed under:

Settings>General>Background App Refresh.

After updating the ipad I noticed many apps were set to auto refresh so I turned them off.