Invoking Model and Connecting Remote Computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter VBBoy
  • Start date Start date


I want to access modem attached to my system and invoke it through application which will connect to other computer connected
through telephone line. my application then will demand some data from
the remote computer the data transfer logic is working fine. infact i
can transfer data if i connect them using dialup..but i dont want user
to make all this stuff but through my application..

any help???
thanks in advance..
Why not be lazy and just do some system.exec/new process() and make a
dialup connection file/shortcut your target. It should open the
associated handler program which would be the system dialer. There's
probably even an API to start RAS connections strictly in code...
although there'll be interop involved if there's no managed code for
it in 1.0/1.1 yet.