Can the Outlook Express Send email window be invoked from
Excel VBA?
I would like to popup the Outlook Express Send email
Window with the destination address and subject lines
filled in with the info I specify. The user then
completes the email msg and send's it.
I do not want to include my workbook or worksheet in the
email so Excel Sendmail will not work.
I've found some examples for Outlook that popup the email
Send window, but none for Outlook Express.
If this is not possible, are there any other suggestions
to popup the email Send window?
Excel VBA?
I would like to popup the Outlook Express Send email
Window with the destination address and subject lines
filled in with the info I specify. The user then
completes the email msg and send's it.
I do not want to include my workbook or worksheet in the
email so Excel Sendmail will not work.
I've found some examples for Outlook that popup the email
Send window, but none for Outlook Express.
If this is not possible, are there any other suggestions
to popup the email Send window?