Invoke a non-default browser and a URL in one step?

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Apr 5, 2012
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I use Firefox by default, but for some reason the Battlefield game now spits up with Firefox but not IE. I came up with (what I thought was) a clever idea for a single icon on my desktop to invoke Battlefield: I created a shortcut for IE, and set the home screen to that of Battlefield. It works like charm.

Of course, it's awfully unprofessional, and it's good for only one game. I suspect there's a way to have a single command line that invokes IE with maybe a parameter that invokes a URL.

While Firefox gave trouble for Battlefield on the computer involved, it behaved okay on mine after I allowed an update. If I can make the same fix on the involved computer, then this thread is no longer meaningful. Having said that ...

Your solution works fine, of course, but what I was looking for was a single-click icon to accomplish the same thing. If you can do that, I'd be most interested to see how.
Right click on your desktop > New > Shortcut
In localization field enter: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
Next, enter your name for the shortcut and you're done.
Thank you! Works perfectly. I'm a little ashamed, because I was fooling around in that area and I forgot to include the entire filepath including the drive, and I (used to) know better than that.
I guess you didn't see my "Thank you! Works perfectly." Thanks anyway, but I'm curious to see what you have in mind, if it's not the same as goodfellow's.

There should be a way of inserting "[Resolved]" into the thread title.

BTW, The link you gave me (which didn't survive your reply here) is invalid.
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BudV, I got that very often. The more I'm fooling around in some area, the solution seems to be harder to find. But then after some break and doing something else, enlightenment comes, or some fresh mind on the forum helps ;)
By the way it's a kind of lack of consistency. When you write "iexplore" in the "Run" text field, it starts without the full path, and from shortcut it won't. Moreover, I did a little test and created shortcut on desktop to "calc.exe" (without full path). It works like charm(!), hmm :confused:
Anyway, it's not the one and only inconsistency in Windows, I suppose :D
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