"invisible" data

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patrick D.
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Patrick D.


An application writes data to a memo-field in an access-database (*.accdb).
Opening the database with Access 2007 the memo-field is empty: The content
of the memo-field does not seem to be written to this database. But in fact
the data is here, since the correct content of this field is visible again as
soon as I import the database into Excel 2007.
What could be the reason, why the data is not visible within Access 2007?

Thanks for your help.

Hi Patrick,

By any chance are you opening the form in Access 2007 in AddNew mode? This
means that the form is opened ready to add a new record, without displaying
any records in the form's recordset.

Another possibility that comes to mind is if your memo field is in a
separate table versus the rest of the fields displayed on the form. Perhaps
some error is preventing a foreign key value from being written to the table.

Questions for you:
1.) Is the memo field in an isolated table, or is it in the same table as
other fields that are shown on your form?

2.) When you open the form in question, can you see data in any other
fields? (If so, this would indicate that you are not opening the form in
AddNew mode).

3.) You stated that "An application writes data to a memo-field...". Can you
expand on this a bit? What application?

Try writing a new value to this field that is easily recognized. Then
inspect the table(s) to see what data has been written where.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP
Hi Tom

Thanks for your input.
In fact, I have no form. I was talking about the table.
The table-field seems to be empty, although the field contains data.
Remember that the field was filled by a different application.
The question is here, if there is a case, where Access data can be wrongly
not visible due to a coding problem (or what ever).

(Of course I don't want to discuss the .NET Application here which fills the
data, since this is not the newsgroup for this kind of topic)

Are you opening the database to inspect for data before the record has been
committed (saved) by your .NET application? Can you see any other records in
the table that were previously saved, or is just the last record invisible?

Are there any weird formats applied to this memo field, as revealed in table
design view?

If you create a new query in Access, based on the table, can you see all
data in the memo field? If not, try testing for the length of the field's
content, using the len function.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP
Hi Tom

Thanks for this quick answer.
The field "TimeStamp" of the type "date" belonging to the same record is
updated correctly with the current time.

you're right Tom, I usually don't work with Access and I was not fast enough,
but I just discovered that the data is visible again when I display the table
in a form-view.
By the way, I save html-code into the memo field. This is even not the
problem: When I place the string like this "<strong>the text</strong>" to
write to the db with the .NET app the data is visible. The saved string is
only invisible in Access when I place the above string in a string var, which
is in the sql-command.

. . .i still need to create the query in Access you told me with the test
of the lenght.
I never work in Access . . .I do my best.

You've still left several questions unanswered....

And here's another one: Is it possible that a CRLF character begins
the field, so that it just looks blank but there are more characters
below? If you click into the field and use the down arrow you can
test this.

Armen Stein
Microsoft Access MVP
Hi Armen

Congratulations !!!
I'm terribly sorry, but the only "problem" was, that I didn't made the line
I thought, that in table view all data is displayed in a line. Wrong!
As soon as I can see more lines the data is visible :-)
