Victor said:
The general opinion of this group, based on what I have read, is
InVircible is not a very good product.
I think it's pretty good. It's not THE answer, but a nice addition. Indeed
by using generic strategies, or 'rules of thumb' known and unknown virii and
worms can be detected.
I don't know myself whether it
is or not since I am far less knowledgeable than most here. But my
question is," is it the product itself or the concept of a generic
based program that makes it, in many opinions, not so good?"
There's one big thing against (any) generic AV tool: "False positives" (I
know I am on thin ice here). Since generic 'means' it does not rely on
signatures, it can never be 100% certain that 'the identified item' is in
fact a virus.
One example of a very generic 'rule': If a program tries to hide it's true
extension (by using double extensions: 'virus.txt.exe')then in general a
generic AV tool will raise an alert. And indeed one may consider this
suspicious, though the file is not by defintion a virus.
So, in general, generic IV tools leave the final descision with the end user
in many cases. So, some understanding about how virii and worms work and
spread may be required before being able to implement a generic AV utility.
You must be able to 'judge' a file or process that was brought to your
attention by the generic AV utility.
Of for
that matter is a good generic based scanner really a possibility in
todays technology?
Today a generic AV utility, is IMO very useful, just look at how recent
worms were able to spread even when a signature based AV tool was installed.
Worms that could be easily detected by using generic 'rules'.
I believe a 'layered' approach may be best.
- Firewall ... a firewall *should* have detected recent worms as msblast
(although some didn't)
- Generic AV monitors *should* detect worms ala msblast even when the
firewall 'missed' it.
- In favor of signature based tools is that can identify the virus by name,
this makes it easier to find onfo on getting rid of it.
Once again, I am not here to put down InVircible
it may be a great program with bad press, I just have a question.
I have decided to ignore bad press (sometimes/often years old) and am using
IV since a few months now. I am very pleased with it.