Ross Culver
I got this error the first time I tried to debug a dynamic data web form. I
created the database using the VS2K5 tool in the app_data directory of the
website (specifically D:\Websites\WarrenLive\Cortana\App_Data\Cortana.mdf).
Here is value for key attachdbfilename in my connection string:
I Googled this error and found a post by Gregory A. Beamer which ended with
the following suggestion: " . . . check and make sure you have the file in
the proper location."
Other than putting it in the App_Data directory, what is the 'proper
location'? Or, more to the point, what's wrong with this value?
created the database using the VS2K5 tool in the app_data directory of the
website (specifically D:\Websites\WarrenLive\Cortana\App_Data\Cortana.mdf).
Here is value for key attachdbfilename in my connection string:
I Googled this error and found a post by Gregory A. Beamer which ended with
the following suggestion: " . . . check and make sure you have the file in
the proper location."
Other than putting it in the App_Data directory, what is the 'proper
location'? Or, more to the point, what's wrong with this value?