Invalid Pointer, Importing Errors, and Storyboard/Timeline Rejecti

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I'm having a lot of problems with WMM right now. First and foremost, it isn't
opening any of my projects. I tried opening it from the folder the project it
was in AND from inside WMM itself. It keeps saying "Invalid Pointer" though.

Next off, importing isn't working properly. I've found a way around it, but
I'd like for it to work properly. When I try to import something, it always
pops up with "(Path to File Being Imported) could not be imported.
Unspecified error" I found out that it does import it anyways but I'd have to
exit the whole program and come in. I can live with this problem, but it's
not that convient.

Lastly, is a problem with putting things on the Storyboard/Timeline. Simply
put, it doesn't work. I drag the file to the timeline/storyboard and release
but then it doesn't actually go in. I haven't found a way around this issue
so it's rather major issue for me. I've also tried right-clicking the desired
file and hitting "Add to Timeline" and I get the same result. (Ctrl + D
doesn't do any better for the matter)

If anyone can solve just one of these problems, it'll help me immensely.
Thanks for reading through this long post.
It sounds to me like you are trying to work with MPEG files.
MPEG's will cause all the issues that you are describing.
If that is not the case then your right you are having a lot of problems and
at this point the best thing to try next is reinstalling SP2 and thereby
reinstalling Movie Maker.
There are 2 ways you can go about this task.

1) Download and install SP2 from here:
Using this method you are installing SP2 over itself. It saves time because
generally you don't have to reinstall all updates but it sometimes works and
sometimes doesn't.

2) Uninstalling SP2 through Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs and then
performing a Windows Update to download and reinstall SP2. This method will
take more time and updates will need to be installed once again (no big deal
with automatic updates set up) but is more likely to work.
Thank you for your reply. I tried reinstallation both ways and I've come up
with Windows Movie Maker still giving me the same problems with none of them
solved. Do yu have another solution for this problem?
I am having this EXACT same problem. I could have written your post word for
word. Did you ever find a solution?? I'm hitting a brick wall with this.
