Hi, every time I try to unzip a zip file using either winzip, winrar, or
jzip, I get the prompt that the file is either invalid or corrupt. so I
downloaded a new unzipping utility called Cam Unzip which is now telling
me I only have one part of the zip. like a war that comes in parts.. ?
(It's only one zip) I would appreciate knowing how to fix this one.. I
have been searching for an answer for a few weeks.. so far all I have
found is a suggestion to go to Tools Folder Options, File types, click
on the unzipping utitlity, advanced and make sure that confirm open
after dowload has a check mark..it already had a checkmark, so now I
don't know what to do. Appreciate some advice.. I am thinking it's a
registry problem.. but don't know how to fix or where to start.
Yesterday I repaired the operating system, thinking that might fix the
Windows xp home
thanks Rainy..
jzip, I get the prompt that the file is either invalid or corrupt. so I
downloaded a new unzipping utility called Cam Unzip which is now telling
me I only have one part of the zip. like a war that comes in parts.. ?
(It's only one zip) I would appreciate knowing how to fix this one.. I
have been searching for an answer for a few weeks.. so far all I have
found is a suggestion to go to Tools Folder Options, File types, click
on the unzipping utitlity, advanced and make sure that confirm open
after dowload has a check mark..it already had a checkmark, so now I
don't know what to do. Appreciate some advice.. I am thinking it's a
registry problem.. but don't know how to fix or where to start.
Yesterday I repaired the operating system, thinking that might fix the

Windows xp home
thanks Rainy..