Gerry g
I am receiving an "Invalid Operation" error meesage at
the "Table_Entity.Open" statement. See below. What is
causing this and what has tobe done to correct it?
Private Sub InputPSCode_AfterUpdate()
Dim Table_Entity As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ClearTheField As Integer
On Error GoTo InputPSCode_AfterUpdate_Err
Set Table_Entity = New ADODB.Recordset
Table_Entity.Index = "PrimaryKey"
Table_Entity.CursorLocation = adUseServer
SQL = "SELECT [PS Property Attributes].[Product] AS
[PS ID], [PS Property Attributes].[Property Name], " _
& "[PS Property Attributes].[Type 1] AS Type FROM
[PS Property Attributes] LEFT JOIN " _
& "[Property Table] ON [PS Property Attributes].
[Product]=[Property Table].[PropNum] WHERE " _
& "((([PS Property Attributes].[Type 1])<>'GA')
And (([Property Table].PropNum) Is Null));"
Table_Entity.Open SQL, CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, _
Table_Entity.Seek Me.InputPSCode.Value, adSeekFirstEQ
the "Table_Entity.Open" statement. See below. What is
causing this and what has tobe done to correct it?
Private Sub InputPSCode_AfterUpdate()
Dim Table_Entity As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ClearTheField As Integer
On Error GoTo InputPSCode_AfterUpdate_Err
Set Table_Entity = New ADODB.Recordset
Table_Entity.Index = "PrimaryKey"
Table_Entity.CursorLocation = adUseServer
SQL = "SELECT [PS Property Attributes].[Product] AS
[PS ID], [PS Property Attributes].[Property Name], " _
& "[PS Property Attributes].[Type 1] AS Type FROM
[PS Property Attributes] LEFT JOIN " _
& "[Property Table] ON [PS Property Attributes].
[Product]=[Property Table].[PropNum] WHERE " _
& "((([PS Property Attributes].[Type 1])<>'GA')
And (([Property Table].PropNum) Is Null));"
Table_Entity.Open SQL, CurrentProject.Connection,
adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, _
Table_Entity.Seek Me.InputPSCode.Value, adSeekFirstEQ