1. It sounds like you may have a virus go to this web site Microsoft and
follow the instructions.
2. Also do you have a good antivirus program, make sure the definitions
are up todate, boot up in safe mode hit the key F8 several times whilst the
computer is booting at the initial stage,then go to safe mode, in safe mode,
go to 'my computer icon' and right click it and go to properties, go to
system restore, and turn OFF.
Now do a full antivirus scan. Follow the instructions if your antivirus
program finds any worms/viruses etc. when completed reboot computer and go
back to my computer /properties/ and turn ON system restore.
3. At this point go to internet explorer and go to this site
http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/ download and do a scan, this program is
defaulted no need for settings to be changed.
PLEASE post your results, so that we will know if this advice has been