Somehow in runnng a query I came up with an error that
states I have an Ivalid Argument. This seems to have
locked up the database, I can't copy a table, process any
query or do anything with out the Invalid argument error
showing up and the process I am trying to do is aborted.
This is also true when I try to compact and repair the
database to a new name. I even tried a new database with
a link to the "bad" database to tried to append data (just
to retrieve it) but same message. I also tried exporting
the data to a .txt file that I could load into a new
Database but it created a large file that had no data.
Does anyone have any suggestion how I can fix the
database --or-- just retrieve the data???
states I have an Ivalid Argument. This seems to have
locked up the database, I can't copy a table, process any
query or do anything with out the Invalid argument error
showing up and the process I am trying to do is aborted.
This is also true when I try to compact and repair the
database to a new name. I even tried a new database with
a link to the "bad" database to tried to append data (just
to retrieve it) but same message. I also tried exporting
the data to a .txt file that I could load into a new
Database but it created a large file that had no data.
Does anyone have any suggestion how I can fix the
database --or-- just retrieve the data???