"Invalid Argument" - KB302495 Issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott in Phx
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Scott in Phx

I have the EXACT problem described in KB302495, but
the "fix" doesn't work. SP-1 *IS* installed (along with
every single other update for Windows and Office that's

Here's an excerpt from KB302495:
When you try to import data, copy a table, or run an
append query, you may receive the following error message:

Invalid argument.
To resolve this problem, obtain Microsoft Office 2000
Service Release 1/1a (SR-1/SR-1a).

I am running Access 2000 (9.0.6926 SP-3) on a Win2K Pro
system with a Gigabyte GA-7VT600(-L) moboard and an AMD
Athlon XP 2000+ processor w/ 512MB DDR RAM. All my work
entails ODBC connections to a MS SQL Server database.

Compact & Repair either hangs or returns the "Invalid
argument" error. My work around when I get this
infuriating error has been to import and/or export
tables/queries into a "fresh" Access database. However,
I've done this SIX TIMES so far today, and have given up
in complete and utter frustration, having accomplished
exactly NOTHING in a day's work.

I am running Microsoft Jet 4.0 (SP8), as evidenced by the
presence of Msjet40.dll version 4.0.8015.0 in my
C:\WINNT\system 32 folder.

I am at my wits end, and I really really really need some
help. At this point, I'm thinking that I need to abandon
the useless Access application, and learn SQL or FoxPro.
This can't continue...
Win2k Pro, 1.1 .Net Framework, VB.Net 2003 Standard, MS Office 2000 Pro

I'm getting the same error. Strange thing is that it was working fine
yesterday. Today I installed KB828028 Security Update. Now I get errors.
Related - Who knows. I'll try the create new database routine and see what
Nice that this problem isn't acknowledged by Microsoft.

It appears that my query may have exceeded the maximum
file size limitation of 2GB. The queries in question
typically returned in the area of 4 million records.

It is ridiculous that Microsoft doesn't refer to this
error in their Knowledge Base other than to say SR1 fixes
it, when clearly there are other causes (such as perhaps
too large a query result for Access to handle).
I have also seen this error message for the first time in my life today. I
am running a program that has run without error
in the past (for years) and now I am getting this message. I too have SR1
installed - to no avail. Can someone please shed some light on this?
