Invalid address?? 99



I am running IE7 with windows XP service pack2 and Norton antivirus. Last
night IE7 quit working. Every web address I type I get the white page telling
me the address was an invalid address or the page does not exist? I ran
antivirus, adaware, rebooted and the same thing occurred. I was able to
access via Mozilla and tried to download IE7 again. Kept getting message that
could not validate my operating system? It is OEM software. Then the final
blow was tried to update Norton and that returned error messages as well. My
virus definitions were only a week old anyway. Appears to be a virus but
really need help finding what to even start looking for? Any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

N. Miller

I am running IE7 with windows XP service pack2 and Norton antivirus. Last
night IE7 quit working. Every web address I type I get the white page telling
me the address was an invalid address or the page does not exist? I ran
antivirus, adaware, rebooted and the same thing occurred. I was able to
access via Mozilla and tried to download IE7 again. Kept getting message that
could not validate my operating system? It is OEM software. Then the final
blow was tried to update Norton and that returned error messages as well. My
virus definitions were only a week old anyway. Appears to be a virus but
really need help finding what to even start looking for? Any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

Temporarily remove Norton from the system completely. Just to see if Norton
is actually a factor. However, it sounds like something else. I'd suspect
DNS issues but for one line of your message: "Kept getting message that
could not validate my operating system?". That sounds suspiciously like
Windows Genuine Disadvantage thinks that your OS is not genuine. In which
case a phone call to Microsoft is in order.

~Shine, bright morning light,
~now in the air the spring is coming.
~Sweet, blowing wind,
~singing down the hills and valleys.


Well problem resolved. I had to start explorer without add ons. Once it fired
up I was able to close explorer and re-open in normal mode and all was fixed.
Something about a blocked port. HTTP 12029 error (I think). Anyway now Norton
also works. Evidently it was blocked to. Apparently one of my "add ons"
crashed and caused explorer to block access to some of the ports? Not sure
what all that means but it works!

Thanks to N. Miller for you advice as well.

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