Getting BSOD Stop
KMode_Exception_Not_Handled .....NTOSKRNL.exe.
Ran MBSACLI with Verbose options & Advanced SHsecure.xml
file from Shavlik Technologies. The report advised that
there is and invalid Checksum in NTOSKRNL.exe.
Removing the Patch to revert to earlier Ver of
NTOSKRNL.exe has not helped. How can we patch past
NTOSKRNL.exe ver 5.0.2195.6159?
KMode_Exception_Not_Handled .....NTOSKRNL.exe.
Ran MBSACLI with Verbose options & Advanced SHsecure.xml
file from Shavlik Technologies. The report advised that
there is and invalid Checksum in NTOSKRNL.exe.
Removing the Patch to revert to earlier Ver of
NTOSKRNL.exe has not helped. How can we patch past
NTOSKRNL.exe ver 5.0.2195.6159?