Introducing nivrip


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I'm new to this game but will give it a try. I'm a retired GP and learned my computer "skills" by trial and error over the years. As you can guess by the fact that I'm retired I'm obviously one of the "old folk", as my daughters call me. I live in North Yorkshire and my hobbies include golf and hiking.I still do some part time work for the offshore oil industry.

Being new here I found it a little tricky to get started and began by asking the question "how do I ask a question?" What a dumbo.Anyway if anyone can help me out It could be a big load off my mind. I'm sure I'll get the hang of this eventually.
Welcome aboard nivrip :D

To ask a question just post it as you would when you posted this thread.

Select the forum category you think most apropiate from the main forum page, clcik on 'new thread' put the thread title in the header box and your question in the text box below.

Easy peasy eh? :)

If you're still not sure, don't hesitate to ask, use this thread to ask questions if you like.