Alias said:
Lord said:Yes it can be ordered, but who the HELL would want that piece of SHIT? Just
in case you can't remember, this is the VISTA group where users come to post
their issues with VISTA and they sure don't want to hear about that piece of
SHIT OS called Ubuntu.
People already have Office and other programs they want to use. They don't
need to ditch those for some FREE software product that NOBODY wants.
Remember, Ubuntu and Linux is FREE and still has less than one percent of
the desktop. If Ubuntu were any good, people would be rushing to put it on
their computers, but they are NOT.
Imagine, a FREE product that NOBODY wants. That should tell you all you
need to know about it.
HA HA HA HA HA - Loser
Sorry asswipe, you aren't noble and I doubt if you know what the word means.Alias said:You only speak for yourself and quite badly at that. Don't pretend to
speak for anyone else. Many people who read this group do NOT know about
Ubuntu. Hence, my noble mission.
Again, you only speak for yourself and quite badly.
yes, all 12 of you linsucking asswipes have tried to insatll uppyourbutto.Ah, but they are.
With les than .31 % of the market share (yes that's POINT31 moron) I doubtWell, considering that millions are using it right now, your statement,
again, is a lie.