Interrogating Data in Excel

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel Dewes
  • Start date Start date

Daniel Dewes


Not being an excel wizard I need some help on this one. I
have a summary sheet of a number of differnt teams at
work, then in four different worksheets I have the same
teams and their goals and whether they have met them or
not on a rolling weekly basis for 10wks.

What I want to do in the summary sheet is say look at this
teams performance in Worksheet 1 and if they have failed
for the week put a F or colour red in the summary
spreadsheet. Then look at the next teams performance and
so on.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

One option would be to use an IF statement to set up the condition. As an
example, add the number 90 into cell A1 of Sheet1. Now, create another
worksheet called "Summary". In cell A1 of the worksheet called Summary, add
this formula:


The message in cell A1 of the Summary sheet should say "Fail". If you
change the number in cell A1 of Sheet1 to 110, the message in cell A1 of the
Summary sheet should now say "Pass".