I search for a good way to communicate between processes. I have a main
application(might be more instances) and an tool that should exchange
information such as which user is logged in into the application and
Now i'm doing it by sending API WM_COPYDATA messages with SendMessage.
Our users are identified by a Guid and getting the app user by sending
four WM_COPYDATA with kind a "GiveMeUserGuidPart0of4" and putting to
gether the 4 int values to a guid is kind a sick :/
Not to mention the fun if a application's main window get hidden and is
send to tray and therefore Process.MainWindowHandle gets null.
Any good idea to solve that correctly? Didn't do much with remoting,
would that be the thing to use or is it to oversized?
Thx in advance
application(might be more instances) and an tool that should exchange
information such as which user is logged in into the application and
Now i'm doing it by sending API WM_COPYDATA messages with SendMessage.
Our users are identified by a Guid and getting the app user by sending
four WM_COPYDATA with kind a "GiveMeUserGuidPart0of4" and putting to
gether the 4 int values to a guid is kind a sick :/
Not to mention the fun if a application's main window get hidden and is
send to tray and therefore Process.MainWindowHandle gets null.
Any good idea to solve that correctly? Didn't do much with remoting,
would that be the thing to use or is it to oversized?
Thx in advance