I'd appreciate some advice on how to access legacy C++/Win32 libraries
from C#. We have a legacy Win32 application, mostly written in VC7.1,
and we want to re-write the GUI and maybe some business components in
C# (personally, I don't see the need,but the decision has been made).
We still want to keep a sizeable part of the libraries and utilities as
native Win32 libraries.
performance-critical interop, 3) for native business components we
don't want to re-write in C# and 4) for the numerous native Win32
general utilities we have.
1) Build native libraries with /clr switch using VC7.1, then access
from C# as .NET assemblies
2) Build native libraries with /clr switch using VC8.0, then access
from C# as .NET assemblies
3) Package native libraries as COM servers and access from C# using COM
Interop service
4) Package native libraries as Win32 DLLs and access from C# using
P/Invoke service
Would be great if someone can offer some advice or references to assist
with the decision we have to make.
Best Regards
I'd appreciate some advice on how to access legacy C++/Win32 libraries
from C#. We have a legacy Win32 application, mostly written in VC7.1,
and we want to re-write the GUI and maybe some business components in
C# (personally, I don't see the need,but the decision has been made).
We still want to keep a sizeable part of the libraries and utilities as
native Win32 libraries.
can choose from. I'm thinking of proposing 2) for the mostFrom the research I've done so far, I think these are the 4 choices we
performance-critical interop, 3) for native business components we
don't want to re-write in C# and 4) for the numerous native Win32
general utilities we have.
1) Build native libraries with /clr switch using VC7.1, then access
from C# as .NET assemblies
2) Build native libraries with /clr switch using VC8.0, then access
from C# as .NET assemblies
3) Package native libraries as COM servers and access from C# using COM
Interop service
4) Package native libraries as Win32 DLLs and access from C# using
P/Invoke service
Would be great if someone can offer some advice or references to assist
with the decision we have to make.
Best Regards