

Jos Vens


I wonder if it is possible to see if someone has connection to the internet
on startup of the application.

Now I download a small file and if it succeeds, I know the user has
connection, but it seems to be a little slow. Is there a command like:

if (InternetConnection) then
msgbox "The user is connected to the internet", vbOKOnly
msgbox "The user is not connected to the internet", vbOKOnly
end if

Jos Vens

Leith Ross

Hello Jos,

Here is a macro that tests if you are connected to the internet or not.
This will work with dialup, DSL, and most LANs. If you have a LAN with
auto dial it may not work. This works with Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000. I
haven't used it on 2003. So if you are running 2003 you should test it
and see if it works correctly. Add a VBA module to your project and
copy this code into it. The function returms true if you are connected
to the internet and false uf you are not.

Answer = IsInternetConnected

Public Declare Function GetInternetState _
Lib "Wininet.dll" _
Alias "InternetGetConnectedState" _
(ByVal lpdwFlags As Long, _
ByVal Reserved As Long) As Long

Public Function IsInternetConnected() As Boolean

Dim Flags As Long
Dim Ret

Ret = GetInternetState(Flags, 0&)
IsInternetConnected = Ret

End Function

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