MtnLadyinBlackHills1986 said:
Hi, Daave! Thank you so much for responding. I was called out of
town unexpectedly right after I posted and just got back to see your
Hi, Sue. I like your reply to Leonard.
Depending on your interest and motivation, there is still a kernel of
helpful advice in Leonard's post. That is, there are a number of books
that might prove to beneficial to you (if you are so inclined). Living
far from a brick-and-mortar store is not a huge barrier since
and other online bookstores carry large numbers of titles. If you would
like to explore this more, you can start here:
Of course, there are 13,690 hits! But you can narrow down, depending on
your particular needs. I always look for high percentages of positive
customer reviews.
I just applied a few filters. Now there are only 429 results:,n:697344&bbn=697344&sort=relevancerank
Here are the top two:®-Wi...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1258126578&sr=1-1
Also, as I believe I mentioned before, Malke's page (she's one of the
MVPs) has tons of useful information:
Then again, you will probably find useful information just by posting
your questions here.
My ISP provides the "Postini" program with my package. I get large
amounts of spam. A lot of it is what I call "smut mail". It's
obvious by the subject line and it's also obvious that English is not
the spammers' first language. Many are sent (I assume) from what
I've heard are called "vanity" sites. There are many "advertising"
ED drugs. I have NEVER clicked on links or ever solicited this
stuff. It's more just a nuisance. Here are a couple examples (I
picked two of the least objectionable ones :0) ):
From: acronymbJ**munged** Subject: For your couple's
From: occidental35**munged** Subject: Intimate like a
Please note that I munged the above e-mail addresses. (But, alas, it's
probably too late.)
Just about everybody gets tons of spam. And when one's e-mail address
can be seen on the Web, the bots harvest it and the amount of spam one
receives therefore goes up exponentially. As long as your spam is being
filtered, just continue to let the filtering take place. I wouldn't even
monitor it. Set it and forget it! Only if someone informs you they sent
you an e-mail you never received, then in that situation look in your
filter specifically for an e-mail from that particular person.
Another phenomenon is the spambot network. If one of your friends gets
hit with certain types of malware, it controls the e-mail program
(including the address book). This means that, without their knowledge,
their PC starts sending out tons of spam (or viruses, etc. or both),
using all the names from the address book (perhaps yours!) as the From
This is one big reason why it is important to make sure you (everyone)
is malware-free!
My main concern is the "virus" emails that Postini isolates. The
senders appear to be legitimate email addresses from my ISP. (I live
in a sparsely-populated area with only one Internet provider
available.) Even more alarming is that some of these "senders" show
as my own email address! Here are a couple examples:
From: (e-mail address removed) Subject: Notice of Underreported Income
From: rsted**nubged** Subject: DHL Tracking Number
("" is my ISP's email)
(I don't have an example showing me as the sender. I clear this out
several times a day.)
Could this be caused by some kind of malware on my computer? I have
run scans using my own antivirus software. I have run the Windows
Live OneCare scan. They show no viruses, spyware or adware on my
computer. Is malware detected differently?
It's possible you have malware. It's more likely it's coming from other
I would run a MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware scan if you haven't done so
already. Site:
(The free version is all you need.)
Also, see this section from Malke's page:
David Lipman's Multi-AV is very effective. Another method is to burn a
bootable antivirus rescue CD and scan your PC that way. See:
I would try BitDefender or Avira. Also note that some PC hardware may
not be able to run these (it's hit or miss!).
Which antivirus program do you currently use?
FWIW, I would imagine that the spam and viruses are not coming in
because of your PC. But it is always good to be as safe and sure as
I no longer have any javascript problems and my computer is
performing well. However, I am concerned about these "holes" (open
ports shown on the Shields Up! test) in my security.
We need to have a look at the Windows Firewall, then. Also note that it
is possible that you *do* have malware that is circumventing your
Try this:
Start | Control Panel | Windows Firewall
Looking at the General tab, is the firewall on?
Looking at the Exceptions tab, list all the programs and services you
see and indicate which ones are checked.
Under the advanced tab, when you click the Settings tab for your
connection, do you see any boxes checked?
Thanks for replying and taking the time to dig through the archives
for my old posts. I appreciate it, Daave! :0)
You're welcome.