internet radio question

May 22, 2009
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Kinda new to this whole internet radio thing, but I was wondering, is there any way I could record them for later playback on some device, like my phone for example?
Hi Shads and welcome to the forum...

There is plenty of software you can download from th net. But its a very gray area, because of piracy issues etc. So unfortunately that is about as far as I can go with helping you..
Well, thank you for the welcome, at least there's a starting point for me.But I didn't imagine that this could be illegal or something like that. After all,you could tape a TV show or radio station, so why not an Internet broadcast.
shads said:
Well, thank you for the welcome, at least there's a starting point for me.But I didn't imagine that this could be illegal or something like that. After all,you could tape a TV show or radio station, so why not an Internet broadcast.
Copyright ...

shads said:
Well hmm..if you say so. Although I'm pretty sure a lot of people do this.
Yes, but copyright has to be observed, so we cant offer anymore advice on this!
shads said:
Well hmm..if you say so. Although I'm pretty sure a lot of people do this.

Of course they do :lol:

But they are very very naughty people.

I think you'll find that if you have software for your sound setup there will be an option for recording 'What You Hear' which does exactly what it says.

If your software won't do that then search for, download and install some free software named 'dbPoweramp' including the auxillary record add-on that should do ya :)

You will note I haven't advised how to record radio shows, merely pointed out how to record 'What you hear' ;)

And just to confirm things, yes, it is illegal to record radio shows for your own use but so's having a wee down a back alley when you'd had a skinful :D