That is an indication that you need a firewall. You can go to to do a self scan and see if it reports netbios
and other ports as being open. You can download and use a free personal firewall
such as those from Sygate or Kerio but at today's prices I think it makes sense
to have a cable/dsl router protect you also though you still can use a personal
firewall with one of those. The routers are easy to configure and I have never
heard of one failing to protect a user in their default setup state [from
uninitiated inbound attacks]. For other types of pop ups the free Google Tool
Bar works very well. --- Steve
senn said:
i have cable high speed internet, and when i am not using
it i get pop-ups from the internet. it's pain when it
comes to working on anything. is there a better solution
then unpluging my modem?