Internet Options

  • Thread starter Thread starter CAP
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HELP!! I've lost my "General" tab under Internet
Options. It really is quite bizarre because I can't reset
my home page now or do anything. Any advise on where I
can refind the sucker or do I need to reinstall. I have
no idea how this was lost.
CAP said:
HELP!! I've lost my "General" tab under Internet
Options. It really is quite bizarre because I can't reset
my home page now or do anything. Any advise on where I
can refind the sucker or do I need to reinstall. I have
no idea how this was lost.

Now is a good time to learn how to use the Search function. This has been
answered many many times already.

Follow all the advice on this site.
Look for the section "Various Registry Fixes"

Get and update then run frequently after checking for new updates:
Hi CAP - This has been showing up a lot lately and seems to be caused by
some malware called CoolWebSearch. Do the following:

Download and run: to
remove the parasite

Then download and run: to restore your
tabs and remove any restrictions that the parasite has put in place.

However, this also indicates that you may have acquired some other malware
along the way. If you go to this page at Jim Eshelman's site, here: and wait a little bit (be patient), an analysis
of a number of possible parasites on your machine will be made to help you
identify and remove them. NOTE: You will need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone
Alarm 3.x, if present or any other Ad Blocking software which interferes
with Java Scripting for this scan to work. You should get a message between
the two lines of **** giving the results of the scan.

Get Ad-Aware 6.0, Build 181 or later, here: Update and run this regularly
to get rid of most "spyware/hijackware" on your machine. If it has to fix
things, be sure to re-boot and rerun AdAware again and repeat this cycle
until you get a clean scan. The reason is that it may have to remove
things which are currently "in use" before it can then clean up others.

Another excellent program for this purpose is SpyBot Search and Destroy
available here: SpyBot Support Forum here: I recommend
using both normally. After fixing things with SpyBot S&D, be sure to
re-boot and rerun SpyBot again and repeat this cycle until you get a clean
"no red" scan. The reason is that SpyBot sometimes has to remove things
which are currently "in use" before it can then clean up others.

Note that sometimes you need to make a judgement call about what these
programs report as spyware. See here, for example:

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Hi YoKenny - When they're posting from CDO, advising them to search is just
a waste of time. You might as well just go ahead and give them the fix
(again and again and again . . .) I know it's a pain, but . . . :)

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Jim said:
Hi YoKenny - When they're posting from CDO, advising them to search
is just a waste of time. You might as well just go ahead and give
them the fix (again and again and again . . .) I know it's a pain,
but . . . :)

Yes but if a clue is not given to Search then they will forever post new
questions over and over again.

The Search is fixed in the latest versions of the CDO interface. If the New
button was removed and not displayed untill a Search on their question has
been done then this would maybe slow down some questions. Expand All
button or the + is not understood by novice users and needs to be explained.

The CDO developers have been very buzy correcting the damage done by Swen
and I commend them. The Web interface is still a horrible mess but how do
you cope with the unwashed masses that use this interface when they barely
understand that a computer is a quite a bit more sophisticated than a
digital clock or a VCR that flashes 12:00?

A. Because people read top to bottom.

Q. Why is top posting bad?

A. Newsgroups are not the same as email which is one-on-one communications
that are serial. Newsgroups are one-to-many and are not serial.

Q. How come I get flamed for top posting?