Internet Options



When I try to access <Internet Options> under the Tools
menu I get an error msg <This operation has been
cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.
Please contact your system administrator>.
This msg just started to appear today. I am on a home
computer and not connected to any network.
Can anyone help/


Hi Joe,

If you have SpyBot S&D installed, go to SpyBot - Search and Destroy > Immunize, and UNcheck the
"Lock IE Control Panel..." box.

If you don't, you'll need to remove the restriction manually :
Go to Start > run, type regedit and hit 'enter'.

Now to 'Edit' > Search.

Search for a value called NoBrowserOptions , and delete that value in the right pane when found.
Next, press F 3 to search for a possible second entry, and if found, delete that one as well.

NOTE: Before editing the Registry, ALWAYS back it up, export the key you're going to edit, or
alternatively, in the case of Win ME or XP, create a Restore Point.

Cheers, Tony

NOTE: Please reply to the group, and not to me personally.
E-mail address is void.



If you do exactly as I tell you, there should be no risk.
To create a restore point, Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to
System Tools, and then click System Restore.

Choose "Create a Restore Point", and so on.

Good luck, Tony


Thanks so much. As a result of your help everything is
back to normal.

-----Original Message-----

If you do exactly as I tell you, there should be no risk.
To create a restore point, Click Start, point to All
Programs, point to Accessories, point to

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