Internet options general tab



One day i was surfing and i got accidently linked to a
adult material site, i heard my hard drive rumble as if
something was being changed, i immediately closed
explorer. Upon starting Ie up again my home page had been
changed to this explicit site. I went into the internet
options to change my home page but the "general" tab was
gone??? I downloaded the latest updates and downloaded ie
6 again and selected to reinstall it. After all this the
general tab is still missing.

Please help!



Remove IE Restrictions & Restore Missing tabs. Download a fix from:

Also, refer Fix 268 from Kelly's site: [For Windows XP]
Restore All tabs in IE and Removes the ** Internet Options ** Restrictions
as well

The problem may be due to:

1. A spyware. Download Ad-Aware from, scan the system
and eliminate the malware products. Re-apply the above fix if necessary.
** Remember to update the pattern file using WebUpdate in Ad-Aware **

( Caused by a malware called CoolWebSearch. Also, Download: )

2. You have enabled SpyBot immunize (protection) feature or any other
similar software. Also, disable the following features:
"Lock IE start page against user changes"
"Lock IE control panel against opening from within IE"

More Information:
Internet Explorer Control Panel Restrictions:

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Aim: SRamesh2k
(e-mail address removed)

One day i was surfing and i got accidently linked to a
adult material site, i heard my hard drive rumble as if
something was being changed, i immediately closed
explorer. Upon starting Ie up again my home page had been
changed to this explicit site. I went into the internet
options to change my home page but the "general" tab was
gone??? I downloaded the latest updates and downloaded ie
6 again and selected to reinstall it. After all this the
general tab is still missing.

Please help!

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