Internet Exporer Script Error?


Chris B.

When I try to manually copy and add to a new message the text (just the
text) from a web page with ads I get an "Internet Explorer Script Error". A
separate window pops up with this title when I try to send or access my new
message. This window has something like a yellow triangle with "!" inside
and "line: 87 Char: 1 Error 'ad template' is undefined Code: 0 URL:
mhtml:mid://00000007 Do you want to continue running scripts on the
age" -- and then two boxes with "yes" or "no" .
I can click "no" several times and get rid of this window. I know that I
could forward the URL or the entire page, but, this sometimes confuses some
recipients with very slow dial-up connection. I suspect that I may be stuck
with the embedded ads, but, wonder if some of my "Tools/Internet
Options/Advanced" settings may need to be changed or something else like
that to avoid this annoying window.
FWIW I am creating a completely new message in this action. I am not
doing the fw:fw:fw routine which I hate!
Any ideas? Thank you very much for your help.


Steve Cochran

Under Tools | Options | Advanced, turn off script error notification and script debugging.


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