How do I change my brower from netscape to internet exployer.
Thank you very much
Thank you very much
The said:Patti's method can only be accomplished if in fact you have installed
IE and have an icon or .exe to open it. The simplest way to
accomplish this is to first make sure that it has been chosen as one
of the components to install. Go into your control panel and then
double click the add\remove programs to open the interface. Now on
the left side you will see several options. The two that are of most
interest to you are the "add\remove windows components" button and
the "set program access and defaults" . First lets click the
"Add\remove windows components" . You will now get a small screen
showing what components are installed on your machine. In this case
one of your choices is IE. You will need to put a check mark in the
box beside the Internet Explorer Icon and then click next and it will
be installed in your start menu as well as adding a desktop Icon. If
the box is already checked then close this window by clicking the
cancel button down the bottom and then we will need to click the "set
program access and defaults". Here you will have three choices.
"Microsoft windows" "Non-Microsoft" and "Custom" . If you click the
double arrow to the right of any one of these choices you will see
the options that you can chose by putting a dot in the circle. In
your case you may want to put a dot in "Microsoft Windows" and then
all the options under their, including Internet Explorer, will be
used. In my case I have a dot in Custom as I don't use Outlook for my
mail and prefer an altenative java machine as well as a media player
to the one supplied. Then you should have full access to Internet
Explorer and when you open it if it isn't set as your default browser
you will get a window telling you so and asking if you want it set as
the default browser. You can follow the pop-up on screen prompts from
there. Good luck