internet explorer



hi my internet explorer closes down automaticlly on occasion. Is the a
problem with internet explorer or might it be my internet connection? thanks
mr grae


mr grae said:
hi my internet explorer closes down automaticlly on occasion. Is the a
problem with internet explorer or might it be my internet connection? thanks
mr grae

If you get Memory Cannot be read or written. As the name refer to, it is a
memory problem, some applications/programs
didn't release the memory in timely fashion causing the Error to be thrown by
the system error reporting tools.
Also it could be the work of malwares, badly written application installed
on your system including third party toolbars installed beside Internet
explorer, do you have other toolbars installed try to uninstall them, memory
gone bad or loose in their slots/dust also can cause this.
1... First, try to clean up your caches, Internet files and delete cookies
by doing this:
Click Start >> Control Panel >> Double click Network and Internet
Connections >> Double click Internet Options.
On the IE properties windows you will see these Taps:
General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs |
Under General Tab clear your History, Internet Files and Cookies.
Then click on Advanced tab and scroll down to under the Browsing Option:
[&] Browsing
[ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest) uncheck this box.
Then click on Programs Tab and click Manage Add-Ons and Disable all non
Verified Add-Ons (You should Renable them later one-by-one and see the
culprit and update it or remove it.
How to manage Add-Ons:

2... You need to be sure your system is clean from malwares and Viruses by
scanning for them
Scan for malwares from here: ; for Spybot S&D

=How to perform a clean boot procedure to prevent background programs from
interfering with a game or a program that you currently use

3... You may have a bad RAM try to test your RAM by running Memtest by
downloading this tool and unzip it and make a floppy or CD/DVD and run it on
You may need to reposition/reset the RAM sticks in their slots.
Let us know.


hi my internet explorer closes down automaticlly on occasion. Is the a
problem with internet explorer or might it be my internet connection?
mr grae

You might want to provide more info such as which version of internet
explorer, and the text of any error messages. If IE7 does the behavior
continue if you start it in with no Add ins? In IE6 disable the add-ins to
see if that makes a difference.

Here is a link on making a good newsgroup post:

What is the malware status of the computer? Here are some links for dealing
with malware.

Malware Removal

Finding, Removing & Protecting Yourself From Scumware

Richard Harper’s Guide to Cleaning Pests

Lastly there is an internet explorer specific newsgroup:


=?Utf-8?B?bXIgZ3JhZQ==?= said:
hi my internet explorer closes down automaticlly on occasion. Is the a
problem with internet explorer or might it be my internet connection? thanks

IE not working is a common thing for your ram not being correct for your
pc. In other words, IE not working is a sign that your ram is not
compatible with your motherboard, or you have el cheapo discount ram.

Newbie Coder


You should know by now not to specify anything after the newsgroup in your link
as in time it becomes unavailable.


you should know by now that all the net nanny roxanne is interested in is keeping its name in the groups to insure of getting mvp again next year with the FREE FULL msdn license.
take that away and see how fast it disappears.

(e-mail address removed)


You should know by now not to specify anything after the newsgroup in your link
as in time it becomes unavailable.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

mr grae said:
hi my internet explorer closes down automaticlly on occasion. Is the a
problem with internet explorer or might it be my internet connection?
mr grae

IE version?
Is SP2 installed?

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