Internet Explorer



Internet Explorer often will not load. When I check the tool manager, there
will be several iexplore.exe present but it would seem that not enough memory
allocated to actually start the program. No matter how long you wait non of
these ixplore.exe image will have suffiecient memory(seems to be 13000K) will
actually start the program and if you click enough eventually an iexplore.exe
will open. If I don't End Process in the Tool manager of these unoperational
images of iexplore.exe then when I shutdown my computer it has to end each
process. Once IE is up and running everything is fine. This didn't alway
happen but I can't quite think of what has been updated or changed that may
cause this problem. Any suggestions would be great.


Thanks for the quick respone Ted Zieglar.

I've done several virus scans and nothign has shown up. The IE image never
loads up on its own and once you 'end process' of the non operational IEs
from the Tool Manager they do not reappear. The images only appear in the
tool manager when I click on IE to start the program. This would all make me
this that it is not a virus but someting inherently wrong with the program or
my computer preferences or something. Having said that I really don't know a
heck of alot about the inner workings of XP or IE so if anyone has any
suggestions it would be great. Should I look at reinstalling IE? how much
of a hassel is that? Could there be a simplier problem?


Ted Zieglar

"I've done several virus scans and nothign has shown up. "

Good. How about spyware?

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