Jim, based on all the testers who didn't see the problem, including myself
when the report was first made and we did localize testing, I can
summarize that the problem does not show up when the transmission is "slowed
down" and/or TCP/IP packets are not out of sequence. This included:
1) Fast internet connectivity in both directions.
2) For some testers, they said the problem goes away of you have a proxy or
firewall or a packet sniffer.
I did not see the problem when I had ran the test against a local machine
web server or over our local network. However, when I finally took the
work home where I have a ADSL (near T1 download, 25% T1 uploads), I was
finally able to see the problem, albeit not the "page" error, instead the
page resets where after clicking SUBMIT with X number of lines, the browser
displayed the response but immediately resent the POST and finally a GET
request. Other testers got one or the other.
In my logs of the testing from over 50+ unknown people, I saw that many
also experienced the POST, POST, GET sequence. This is what piss me off
because they didn't have the courtesy to acknowledge either way what they
saw when I can clearly see in the logs they experienced it. I attributed
this either Microsoft or MVP people not wanting to make it public knowledge.
I even add an email address so that they can keep it private if that was the
Anyway, this is typical example what I saw in the logs that show unknown
people also saw the problem. I removed the IP addresses to protect the
innocent. <g>
Initial connection, he clicked on my URL on the news article:
02:51 GET fid: 15989 id: 15989 lines: 0 in: 0 out: 0
The form indicates 143 lines is where the problem seems to begin, so he
enters 142. A experience tester who knows how to create a base line.
02:51 POST fid: 15989 id: 15992 lines: 142 in: 0 out: 7276
In: means noting in the text box when the post was submitted, out means the
amount of bytes created for the text box for 142 lines.
He now clicks again:
02:52 POST fid: 15989 id: 15993 lines: 142 in: 7276 out: 7276
The in and out are the same as expected. He now increase the amount to
02:52 POST fid: 15989 id: 15994 lines: 143 in: 7276 out: 7328
And now more data is send out. Now he clicks again......
02:52 POST fid: 15989 id: 15995 lines: 143 in: 7328 out: 7328
02:52 POST fid: 15989 id: 15996 lines: 143 in: 7328 out: 7328
02:52 GET fid: 15997 id: 15997 lines: 0 in: 0 out: 0
and he gets the initial POST, followed immediate by IE sending a POST and a
GET again. I can tell by the fid: which is the session id. It is the same
for all the request except the last one.
He realized he sees the problem and says,
"hmmmmmm, maybe this hector guy isn't crazy! I though I had a
perfect system.
What's going on? Let me checks a few things...."
So he comes back again at 03:34 and repeats the process, again starting with
a base line at 100 and then going to 143 lines.
03:24 GET fid: 16077 id: 16077 lines: 0 in: 0 out: 0
03:25 POST fid: 16077 id: 16079 lines: 100 in: 0 out: 5092
03:25 POST fid: 16077 id: 16080 lines: 100 in: 5092 out: 5092
03:25 POST fid: 16077 id: 16081 lines: 143 in: 5092 out: 7328
03:25 POST fid: 16077 id: 16082 lines: 143 in: 7328 out: 7328
03:25 POST fid: 16077 id: 16083 lines: 143 in: 7328 out: 7328
03:25 GET fid: 16084 id: 16084 lines: 0 in: 0 out: 0
Get got the same result. He goes away again to further check on some
things, like IE settings or something and come back at 03:30am again and
sees it again, goes away again and comes again 9 minutes later, etc. This
goes on a few more times and says "shit, I'm going to bed!"
Same pattern with many others who tried it.
They just didn't say anything to me
Anyway, as I posted in my last message discussing the solution, I am pretty
confident of the problem and solution, and how it all relates to TCP Half
Close and network transmission timing issues.
I don't believe it is coincidence and I am fairly confident this is
explaining the recent avalanche of IE user reporting "page cannot be
displayed" issues reported all over the net.
As to why? I am not sure. It is because Microsoft has made recent changes
to the socket layer and/or IE in how it receives large buffers to address
buffer overflow issues? It is coincidence that after the most recent
security vulnerability flaw fixes, including ComboBox, ListBox, ActiveX
buffer overflow issues, that IE users are not seeing this error in massive
Or could this be a matter of Microsoft internally wanting to "break" non-IIS
web servers? To make older web servers "obsolete", for forcing vendors to
make changes or risk IE compatibility issues? "Hey, IE works fine on IIS
servers! Switch!"
Who knows?
Hector Santos
WINSERVER "Wildcat! Interactive Net Server"