Internet Explorer Won't Close



I'm running IE 6, SP 1 with Win98. If I have multiple IE windows open and
try to close any, IE crashes. Even when I try CTL-ALT-DEL, I cannot get it
to close, or the computer to shut down normally, I have to hit the power
button, then go through scandisk on the next startup. Any ideas on how to
resolve this are very welcome...

Don Varnau

This might be caused by a third-party program (adware, spyware,

Work through the solutions (CWShredder, Ad-aware, Spybot) at Also note the security tips on that

Additional information at:
The Parasite Fight
More security tips at
Bugs, Glitches & Stuffups:

A legitimate program running in the background may be causing this. Disable
(for diagnostic purposes) programs such as pop-up blockers, security,
anti-virus, etc. You may have to reinstall, or not reinstall, a program.

Hope this helps,

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