Internet Explorer VS Mozilla Firefox

  • Thread starter Thread starter southern accent
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southern accent

Dear PC Banter,
What are the major differences between the two
browsers Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. I've been told to
switch to Firefox because of more advantages and safer browsing. What
is the truth?

Thank You Very
Southern Accent,

(e-mail address removed)
southern accent said:
Dear PC Banter,
What are the major differences between the two
browsers Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. I've been told to
switch to Firefox because of more advantages and safer browsing.
is the truth?

You can have both installed to investigate for yourself what are the
differences and which you prefer. Try and see.
Tue, 4 Jul 2006 01:42:35 +0100 from southern accent
Dear PC Banter,
What are the major differences between the two
browsers Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. I've been told to
switch to Firefox because of more advantages and safer browsing. What
is the truth?

The latter ("safer browsing") is beyond reasonable dispute. The
former ("more advantages") is a matter of personal preference, and
there will never be agreement.

The easiest way to answer your question is to try a browser and see
whether you like it. Firefox will import your MSIE bookmarks, by the

Unfortunately, a lot of misguided folks have "designed" Web pages
using Microsoft programs that put in non-standard features designed
to work with MSIE and not with real browsers. So people say "the page
doesn't work with Firefoz/Mozilla/Opera/Safari/Konqueror" when the
real issue is that the page had built-in bugs and doesn't work with
anything but Microsoft's OS.
southern said:
Dear PC Banter,

This is not PC Banter. You are posting to the
microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers newsgroup, using an interface to it
provided by PC Banter.

Do yourself a favor and use the newsgroup directly using a newsreader.
You'll find it a much improved expereince.


What are the major differences between the two
browsers Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. I've been told to
switch to Firefox because of more advantages and safer browsing. What
is the truth?

The truth is that safety is a result of the safeguards *you* put in place,
regardless of what browser you use. And as far as advantages, there are
several browsers to choose from and each has its partisans. If you ask a
random group of people (like us) what they prefer, you will get votes for
several different browsers, and you will know no more than when you started.
My recommendation therefore, is to ignore other people's opinions, try
several of the more popular ones, and make your own decisions as to which
*you* prefer. Nobody else's opinion matters.

Alll that said, I'll tell you which browser *I* prefer, not to try to
convince you to switch to it, but just to try it. It's Maxthon, which I like
better than either IE or Firefox. It's not a separate browser, but a shell
that runs on top of IE.
Sanford said:
The truth is that Opera is the best. My personal
experience. Don't bother trying the others.

You know, I respect your opinion to prefer Opera, or whatever you like, over
all the others. But the statement "Don't bother trying the others" is just
foolishness. Trying the others is *exactly* what he should do. He may or may
not come to the same conclusion you did, and that depends on his personal
needs, likes, and dislikes, and his way of working.
Off topic a little, but I'm wondering how all those "browser shells" like
Maxthon and Avant will be affected by installing the upcoming IE7.
darkrats said:
Off topic a little, but I'm wondering how all those "browser shells"
like Maxthon and Avant will be affected by installing the upcoming

I don't know, but my guess is that if they don't already work with IE7 (I
don't know if they do) new versions that support IE7 will be out soon after
IE7 is.
Ken Blake said:
You know, I respect your opinion to prefer Opera, or whatever you like, over
all the others. But the statement "Don't bother trying the others" is just
foolishness. Trying the others is *exactly* what he should do. He may or may
not come to the same conclusion you did, and that depends on his personal
needs, likes, and dislikes, and his way of working.

I have to add one point. Proxomitron. Free program. Essential software that
prevents pop-ups. Bypass button for connecting to banks.

Opera has a menu to look like IE for pages that require IE.

Mr. Blake, I respectly disagree. Yes, you are right if you are writing a review.
Then one needs to investigate all the browsers. However, for the average person
this is a waste of time. Just download Opera, spend some time getting the
settings to your liking. This takes time. You will find that Opera and
Proxomitron will meet your needs. If you find you have a need, or find that
Opera does not work well enough, just send a message to

My advice is for the person who just wants to use the Internet is to ignore
Blake's advice, download Opera, get familiar with it, and enjoy.

Anyway, what does Firefox have that Opera does not have? Why give advice that
will waste people's time?
Sanford said:

I have to add one point. Proxomitron. Free program. Essential
software that prevents pop-ups. Bypass button for connecting to banks.

Opera has a menu to look like IE for pages that require IE.

Mr. Blake, I respectly disagree. Yes, you are right if you are
writing a review. Then one needs to investigate all the browsers.
However, for the average person this is a waste of time. Just
download Opera, spend some time getting the settings to your liking.
This takes time. You will find that Opera and Proxomitron will meet
your needs. If you find you have a need, or find that Opera does not
work well enough, just send a message to

My advice is for the person who just wants to use the Internet is to
ignore Blake's advice, download Opera, get familiar with it, and

Anyway, what does Firefox have that Opera does not have? Why give
advice that will waste people's time?

I have two points. I use Maxthon, and I like it better than *either* Firefox
or Opera. I used to use the Proxomitrion, but stopped, because I found that
other popup blockers worked more easily.

The essential point is that what *you* consider best is not what we all
consider best. I don't tell you that what I use (for web browsing or
anything else) is necessarily the best for you; please don't tell me (or
anyone else) that your choice is necessarily the best for everyone. You have
a right to your opinion, but you don't have a right to insist that everyone
share your opinion.
Sanford said:
I have to add one point. Proxomitron. Free program.
Essential software that prevents pop-ups. Bypass button for
connecting to banks.

Opera has a menu to look like IE for pages that require IE.

Mr. Blake, I respectly disagree. Yes, you are right if you
are writing a review. Then one needs to investigate all the
browsers. However, for the average person this is a waste
of time. Just download Opera, spend some time getting the
settings to your liking. This takes time. You will find
that Opera and Proxomitron will meet your needs. If you
find you have a need, or find that Opera does not work well
enough, just send a message to

My advice is for the person who just wants to use the
Internet is to ignore Blake's advice, download Opera, get
familiar with it, and enjoy.

Anyway, what does Firefox have that Opera does not have?
Why give advice that will waste people's time?

Mostly not an egocentric, closed minded narcissistic little bass
turd for an advocate. Talk about wasting time - closed minds
will do it every time. You're a real wart on the ass of
progress, besides having no reading comprehension.

The essential point is that what *you* consider best is not what we all
consider best. I don't tell you that what I use (for web browsing or
anything else) is necessarily the best for you; please don't tell me (or
anyone else) that your choice is necessarily the best for everyone. You have
a right to your opinion, but you don't have a right to insist that everyone
share your opinion.

You are angry with my response. Well, I am angry with you for your response to
the questioner. He does not need your advice to try out all the programs. He
just wants to hear your personal opinion. If several people voice their
opinions, which differ, then the quesioner will have to decide. Saying that he
should check them all out is not giving any information, not answering the
POP said:
Sanford Aranoff wrote:

Sanford Aranoff wrote:

Vanguard wrote:

"southern accent"
(e-mail address removed) wrote in
Dear PC Banter,
What are the major differences between the two
browsers Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.
I've been told to switch to Firefox because of more
advantages and safer browsing. What

The truth is that Opera is the best. My
personal experience. Don't bother trying the others.

You know, I respect your opinion to prefer Opera, or
whatever you like, over all the others. But the statement
"Don't bother trying the others" is just foolishness.
Trying the others is *exactly* what he should do. He may
or may not come to the same conclusion you did, and that
depends on his personal needs, likes, and dislikes, and
his way of working.

Ken Blake - Microsoft MVP Windows: Shell/User
Please reply to the newsgroup

I have to add one point. Proxomitron. Free program.
Essential software that prevents pop-ups. Bypass button for
connecting to banks.

Opera has a menu to look like IE for pages that require IE.

Mr. Blake, I respectly disagree. Yes, you are right if you
are writing a review. Then one needs to investigate all the
browsers. However, for the average person this is a waste
of time. Just download Opera, spend some time getting the
settings to your liking. This takes time. You will find
that Opera and Proxomitron will meet your needs. If you
find you have a need, or find that Opera does not work well
enough, just send a message to

My advice is for the person who just wants to use the
Internet is to ignore Blake's advice, download Opera, get
familiar with it, and enjoy.

Anyway, what does Firefox have that Opera does not have?
Why give advice that will waste people's time?

Mostly not an egocentric, closed minded narcissistic little bass
turd for an advocate. Talk about wasting time - closed minds
will do it every time. You're a real wart on the ass of
progress, besides having no reading comprehension.

Pop I appreciate you both on your opinions but i will decide on my ow
which browser to use. Opinions will only just be opinions not facts
Thank You Very Much For Responding Anyway, Southern Accen