Dear Nass,
I don't have an administrators key in any of the areas you noted. Windows
is unable to find gpedit.msc as well.
what next?
I created a new user account today and made it computer administrator. I
rebooted and came into Windows under that account. When I tried to go into
user accounts, I got the Internet Script error I got previously in safe mode.
How do I fix this? I am the sole user of the computer.
Hi Sue,
Make sure your machine is clean from Viruses and Malwares by scanning.
Error message when you try to open the User Accounts item in Control Panel
on a Windows XP-based computer: "Microsoft HTML Application host has
encountered a problem and needs to close"
Open a run command adn type in:
regsvr32 nusrmgr.cpl Click [OK] and then Reboot your machine
Read this link:
Open a run command and type in:
control userpasswords2 click [OK]
There try to Reassign the credentials/privileges again to who ever on this
machine by highlighting it then click Properties Button.
Open the Run Command and see the permissions on these keys:
[-] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System\ "administrators" Allow full Control
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / "administrators" Allow full Control
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / "administrators" Allow full Control
%SystemDrive% / "administrators" Allow full Control
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /Software\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer "administrators"
Allow full Control
Or Open the run command and see the Group Policy:
gpedit.msc click [OK]
Locate the Control Panel and see the Permissions there.
Back Up best before things get nasty and you lose your valuable Data.