Internet Explorer provided by Yahoo!



I mistakenly downloaded Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Yahoo! onto my machine when I was just wanting the companion toolbar. Now I have the stupid little yellow "Y" with a purple background on Internet Explorer, Outlook, etc. How do I get back to the standard Microsoft logo and symbols?

Don Varnau

To remove branding from IE:
Start> Run> type in or copy and paste:

Rundll32 Iedkcs32.dll, BrandCleanInstallStubs

Click OK.
Restart Internet Explorer

If unsuccessful with that:
176497 - How to Change the Internet Explorer Window Title;EN-US;q176497
Q176713 - How to Restore the Animated Internet Explorer Logo:

Additional information for Outlook Express at

Please reply to the newsgroup so that others may participate.

ExhibitJoe said:
I mistakenly downloaded Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by Yahoo!
onto my machine when I was just wanting the companion toolbar. Now I have
the stupid little yellow "Y" with a purple background on Internet Explorer,
Outlook, etc. How do I get back to the standard Microsoft logo and symbols?

Alan Edwards

How to remove branding.
To remove all Internet Explorer branding, follow these steps:
1. Click Start.
2. Click Run.
3. Type

rundll32.exe iedkcs32.dll,Clear

and then click OK.

4. Restart Internet Explorer.


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