Internet Explorer Object Model

  • Thread starter Thread starter michael.blaustein
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I can't seem to find any good documentation on this. I look through
the Object Browser in VBA of MSHTML and in the object HTMLLinkElement I
see about 20 methods, but I don't know what they do! Can someone point
me in the right direction? Thanks.
Hi Jan :-)
Thanks for your reply. I read the info about How to make a good
newgroup post, but I'm not sure where I went wrong. Is this the wrong
board for my question, maybe? Or are you saying that the answer can be
found in another post on this board? Or is it my tone? Thanks for
your help.
Hi Michael :-)

No're fine here, and so's your tone :-)) But're
just a might slight on information......we need you to give us some more; What version of Windows are you using? Are you getting any
error messages, and if so, what is the exact wording? What is it exactly
you are trying to do? Where are you seeing all these methods so that we can
have a look see and perhaps direct you to the best information. Could you
post a link to these methods? Stuff 'n such as that..... <grin>

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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Hi Jan :)
Thank you for clarifying for me. I thought maybe I was being rude :-0
Ok, so let me try from scratch.

I am writing a program using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in
Outlook 2003 that accesses Internet Explorer. There is a dll which is
part of Internet Explorer (I think) called ShDocVw.dll, and a Type
Library called MSHTML.tlb that I am referencing in Visual Basic. So,
when I use the Object Browser (by clicking F2) in VBA, I can see that
there is an object called HTMLLinkElement with tons of properties,
methods, and events, but the documentation is sparse. I thought maybe
an IE board might be helpful in this, but maybe this is off topic, I
don't know. Thanks again.

BTW, what does it mean to be a MVP?
Hi Michael :-)
Hi Jan :)
Thank you for clarifying for me. I thought maybe I was being rude :-0'da got the flame thrower at that point. :o))
Ok, so let me try from scratch.

I am writing a program using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in
Outlook 2003 that accesses Internet Explorer. There is a dll which is
part of Internet Explorer (I think) called ShDocVw.dll, and a Type
Library called MSHTML.tlb that I am referencing in Visual Basic. So,
when I use the Object Browser (by clicking F2) in VBA, I can see that
there is an object called HTMLLinkElement with tons of properties,
methods, and events, but the documentation is sparse. I thought maybe
an IE board might be helpful in this, but maybe this is off topic, I
don't know. Thanks again.

Thank you for the clarification and details, unfortunately, I am not able to
help much in this area.
However, there are lots of folks here that do websites/pages and now that
you have given the details of the situation, perhaps someone here can give
you some help with this. I would also suggest that post this problem in a
web developers design ng, and sorry to say, I don't know of any to
BTW, what does it mean to be a MVP?

What does it mean to be an MVP? From a personal point of view, I am in my
first year as an MVP, an award that I never dreamed would ever happen to me,
but, one that I have immensely enjoyed, and an honor I will cherish always.

Here's some very good information about MVPs, how to become one, the MVP
Program and much, much more.;EN-US;mvpintro

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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Thank you, Jan. I can see why you were chosen as a MVP.

Thank you! <s> Perhaps one day soon I'll see your name in the list. :-)

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.