Internet Explorer Not Working


Les Wise

I finally managed to install IE 6.0 in Windows ME without any error messages
and the "about IE" flag gives me the correct version 6.0.2800.1106IC with
SP1 so it appears to be installed. Running winipcfg gives me the correct
address numbers and I can successfully ping my broadband provider's server
with no loss of packets. However, IE is not connecting to the internet or
anything else because I get the page cannot be displayed error. I ran
repair and no error messages were generated. I am not sure how to proceed
from here. Has anyone experienced this and have a fix for it??? Any help
would be appreciated. Thank you for your consideration of this problem

Charlie Tame

Look in tools>internet options>connection tab and see if it's set to use a
"Proxy Server". Sometimes that gets set up and usually shouldn't be. Note
anything that's there though just in case. Similarly the "Automatically
detect settings" checkbox helps and sometimes not so maybe try changing the
present setting there.

Since you mention Winipcfg I assume your network settings are on "Automatic"
which means it should get it's info from your ISP's server. You should have
an option to "Release" and "Renew" your IP lease there which is a way of
resetting things... obviously if other stuff is working those settings
should be right though.

Another test is to type in a numeric IP address... if that works your DNS is
upset... is an example... if you get to GRC from this link it's
likely a DNS problem. Do you by any chance run Norton or any other security
/ firewall package?


Les Wise

Thank you very much for your reply. The release and renew works just fine
including release all and renew all. The correct numbers return. I am not
trying to use a proxy. I did change the automatic check box with no effect
one way or the other. Even numeric ip addresses return page cannot be
displayed error.
Also, I tryed disabling IE6 by renaming a couple of dll files that it uses
so perhaps I could run the IE6 repair and it would find the errors and then
fix whatever is wrong, but then WindowsME wouldn't fully load so I changed
them back.
I reinstalled ME a couple of times, and the result is still the same. I am
at my wits end and considering reformating the drive and starting from
scratch. I would hate to do that, though as that is a large chore. It's a
Thanks again for your help. I will keep searching. If you or anybody can
think of anything else, please let me know as I am desparate.
Thanks again.


Charlie Tame

Another possibility is am ISP problem....

Have you tried calling your ISP to see if they have suggestions? Here,
Mediacom will appear to be working but will not let you past certain of
their own servers until you "Register" the machine, so if you install a
router or change PC's you have to tolerate a whole bunch of crap involving a
90 minute phone call (89 minutes of it Muzak) whilst some dumbass explains
in great detail why you have to turn off the modem, turn off the PC, make
sure the PC is turned back on (and the monitor) and refuses to give you the
IP address of their "Server" so you can register yourself. He then reads out
(very slowly) the numeric address of the server and explains in enormous
detail how to move the mouse pointer to the "Register" button.

You haven't just changed something like the network card have you?


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