Scott said:
A friend has IE6 installed on her Win XP laptop. Suddenly, three
times out of four, when opening IE, it shows a general error
message. When I click on "Don't Send" (the error report), the
program closes.
The computer seems to be functioning fine otherwise.
"General Error Message"?
I would bet there is a little more you could give here - but chances are
this error is the same a lot of others are getting..
Close all Internet Explorer windows.
Open notepad and put the following in it...
** copy below this line **
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
** copy above this line **
It's a total of THREE lines saved into a a file that is not a .txt file
(file extension of .txt) but a .REG file (file extension of .reg).
Technically - it is nothing more than a text file with a file extension that
Windows recognizes and content that it knows what to do with. I'll repeat
them - but with "line #: " in front of each line so when it wraps you know
what it shold be.
line 1: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
line 2: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet
line 3: "*"=dword:00000001
It's also recommended you press enter on the last line (taking you to a
fourth line with nothing on it) before you save the document in notepad as
(save as option) (type of "all files") 'ANameYouMakeUp.reg'... Then -
simply double-click on it and when it asks - you *do* merge it into your
Further information:
On a Windows XP SP2-based computer that has certain cumulative security
updates for Internet Explorer installed, Internet Explorer 6 may stop
responding when you try to visit a Web site