internet explorer error message



Just recently I have had problems with Internet explorer.When I first dial up and get connected when I click on internet explorer, I get an error message saying ' Internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience, would you like to send and error report (which I do) Then every time I click in the explorer icon i get the same error message and cannot get to my homepage (freeserve) I have downloaded critical patches and security downloads from microsoft and run a full virus scan (none found) I had to resort to system restore to get online. The other strange thing is that once Im online( after rollback) if i get this error message although it sends me back to windows, I can still get back to my homepage. Does anyone have any ideas on what is wrong and how to fix it please?


Hi Patti,

Just recently I have had problems with Internet explorer.When I first dial up and get connected when I click on internet explorer, I get an error message saying ' Internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience, would you like to send and error report (which I do) Then every time I click in the explorer icon i get the same error message and cannot get to my homepage (freeserve) I have downloaded critical patches and security downloads from microsoft and run a full virus scan (none found) I had to resort to system restore to get online. The other strange thing is that once Im online( after rollback) if i get this error message although it sends me back to windows, I can still get back to my homepage. Does anyone have any ideas on what is wrong and how to fix it please?

Try going to Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced options tab
and disable third-party browser extensions.

Also perform a malware scan using Ad-aware and spybot (both free)
after updating them:

Spybot S&D

Good luck

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