I need to hide the bottom-toolbar, especially the back button of the internet explorer.
Is there some easy way?
If not, is there some way to get the COM IE component to work with .Net 1.0?
In SmartApplication projects the windows component just greys and is unusable. Does this work if I add the WinCE component to my toolbox?
I can't use .Net 2.0 (which would make this really easy) or another bought program like PIEPlus.
I need to hide the bottom-toolbar, especially the back button of the internet explorer.
Is there some easy way?
If not, is there some way to get the COM IE component to work with .Net 1.0?
In SmartApplication projects the windows component just greys and is unusable. Does this work if I add the WinCE component to my toolbox?
I can't use .Net 2.0 (which would make this really easy) or another bought program like PIEPlus.