what is up with I.E.6 browser does not open pages does
not load some pages , takes about 5 minutes to load
page .if takes to long wont load page , is absolute
rubbish and has been for nearly a month now .not normally
a moaner but isnt just me several friends on broadband
600k as myself cant open pages,etc... and is not our
region before any body says because other online browsers
work PERFECT unlike like I.E.6 . whatever is wrong they
should sort their act out or is it partly windows soon to
be inferior software . MICROSOFT should be seriously
sorted out by authorities its useless .QUITE HONESTLY
WHAT USE IS IT IN THIS CONDITION , for less able users
they probably give up. UNHAPPY USER
not load some pages , takes about 5 minutes to load
page .if takes to long wont load page , is absolute
rubbish and has been for nearly a month now .not normally
a moaner but isnt just me several friends on broadband
600k as myself cant open pages,etc... and is not our
region before any body says because other online browsers
work PERFECT unlike like I.E.6 . whatever is wrong they
should sort their act out or is it partly windows soon to
be inferior software . MICROSOFT should be seriously
sorted out by authorities its useless .QUITE HONESTLY
WHAT USE IS IT IN THIS CONDITION , for less able users
they probably give up. UNHAPPY USER