Internet Explorer Address Bar



I use to be able to click on the Internet Exporer Address Bar arrow pointing
down and see the website addresses that I viewed last and before.
Bot now I CAN NOT do that, why is that?
The only way I can see where I was is to click on my history button.
I want to be able to just click on the address bar arrow and see where I was
at online, then double clicking a certain address so that address can
automatically enter into the Internet Explorer Address Bar then I would go
directly there immediately. Can someone show me how to restore this situation

Jan Il

Hi BilSkeetto :)

As you do not mention the version of Windows or IE that you are using, if
you have installed or removed any programs at the time the problem started,
what steps you have already taken to try to resolve the issue, etc., I can
only take a guess for a suggestion.

You might try the following and see if it helps:

IE not keeping my History

Turn off the ActiveX part of McAfee's Internet Filter


If you have McAfee AV running:

History - Not Being Saved

McAfee gave this solution to the bug where VirusScan 6 stops your Internet
Explorer History file working. Hope it is of some help:

Open VirusScan console
Select "Pick a task..."
Select "Change my VirusScan settings"
Select "Configure VShield background scanning"
Select "Customise your VShield settings"

Select the "Internet Filter" icon from the icons down the left hand side On
the "Detection" tab, in the 'Applet filters' section, remove the tick next
to "ActiveX Controls".


Run regedit and navigate to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|Main

and insure that Save_Session_History_On_Exit is marked YES and not NO. (I
just checked mine, and it is set to NO by default).

Also try..:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER|Software|Microsoft|Internet Explorer|TypedURLs


It could be that the History folder has become damaged or corrupted, try
deleting the folder, then reboot and a new one will be created.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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