madmike said
My sisters computer (XP Home, IE7)
gives the script error messages on various websites. The Internet
Options..Advanced are set to disable script debugging (they are both
checked). The option to display a notification on every script error
not checked. I have looked at everything I know to look at and have
figured it out. I uninstalled IE7 and reloaded it and still had the
problem. System is up to date on maintenance, has firewall and
anti-virus, and Spybot and Windows Defender run clean.
H Brown said
"?What?" and it may/should also have the Service Pack Number e.g.
SP1, SP2
or SP3.
Also include all the URLs to the "various websites" that are
returning the
error message and the information contained in error messages.
madmike said
Windows XP, Home Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 3. Browser is
Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13. Sample website is (this is the only
I have bookmarked but it occurs on others
H Brown said
I open the web site you provided a link to
and am running IE7 version: 7.0.6001.18000 in Vista HP Sp1 and have
the same setting for IE7 you mentioned in your original post, and I
get no messages of any kind. If it were me I would go to those
options in IE7 set them the opposite of what you said they are and
*Apply* *OK*. Then go to the web page you used as sample to make
your still getting the message and then shut down IE7 and restart the
computer. Then open IE7 go to options , Advanced and put a check
next to "Disable script debugging (internet Explorer)" and check
"Disable script debugging (Other)" then make sure the check box next
to "Display a notification about every script error" is Unchecked
Click on Apply and then OK. Shut down IE7. Then restart computer and
open IE7 make sure those setting stuck. Go back to the sample web
page and see what you get and check back here with results.
H Brown said:
Having tested the
only web page you provided as one of the ones your issue repeats its
self. I can not get any scripting errors no matter which way I've
my setting in IE7 Version: 7.0.6001.18000 that by the way has all MS
IE7 updates/patches using auto updates on this Vista Sp1 machine
including the Vista operating system itself. Also Java is Version 6
update 12 (build 1.60_12-bo4). However the latest Java update is
(Windows Vista, XP, and 2000 Server
Version 6 Update 13). If your going to use Java use the latest
update. (Yes I need to update Java my self)
That being said, here are the steps I would take in your case on the
Sp3 machine in question.
Set it up for auto updating including to receive updates for other
products from Microsoft Update e.g. IE7.
Then update and keep the updates/patches current daily.
What I want is a fully patched OS and fully patched IE7. Regardless
of how its done.
Then I would *uninstall* all or any of Java except Version 6 Update
Go to the web site to Update to the latest version and latest update
for it. Note: Java is not necessary unless you have software programs
that depend on it to fully function or really need it on certain web
Since IE7 is an upgrade to your/friends XP Sp1 I would go to
and just double check which down load for IE7 was used.
*See my comments below for proper download path.*
I think updating/patching the OS and IE7 (NOT OPTIONAL UPDATE unless
wanted) will take care of issue.
However in your friends case I would do some basic maintenance and
adjustments to IE7. Set it to the default settings and run
it for a while until your satisfied alls well, before making a lot of
changes. I would do the same for the OS too.
Clean up temp files etc. IE7 tools, options and a Disk Clean up too,
want hurt.
One last *important* thing(s) and questions.
When IE7 was downloaded and installed. What Web site was it from?
If it was NOT from
for 32bit Windows XP, Home Edition, but from _any another_ site(s).
I would _uninstall_ IE7 again, through the control panel then do my
updates/patches. (after a restart)
Then go to MS _download_ site link above. Use the following method to
down load: To copy the download to your computer for installation at
a later time, click Save or Save this program to disk.
Once download is completed shut down IE and before you run the file
_install_ IE7 shut down the programs that are running in background
*not* any windows services.
In particular any virus, malware, spyware software, any thing like
Spybot Search & Destroy that also include or have *Tea Timer*
functions that monitor and jack with the Registry.
Just get all those things out of the way while installing IE7 same
could be said for window update if you do them manually.
Once your clean install of IE7 is up and running and working as
expected. _NOW make sure you update/patch IE7_ so your sure it has
the latest update/patches.
Then if needed update Java at the Java site, they offer different
methods for downloading.
The Save this program to disk for Java is the one I would use and if
it offers a custom install take it and don't let Java do auto
That would be my preference for Java. Find it at look under windows Windows
XP/Vista/2000/2003/2008 Offline
and follow instructions.
Lastly no matter what, from time to time one can run across web sites
that you can get errors even though you
have setting checked not to show these errors. Reasons vary, but its
mostly poor site construction or one that was
built for the days of windows 95 or 98 and other browsers in their
time and the site has not been maintained.
Could be a good reason to avoid those web sites this day and time.
Anyway that's what I would try to do to solve your issue.
Let us know if it helps or not. Thank you,"""
H Brown"
I don't think there is anything here I have not already tried. This
system is completely updated with all fixes, I even run Secunia PSI
there is no outdated software or software needing patches on this
system. I run Avast antivirus and it scans clean, I run Zonealarm
firewall, I do run Spybot but I do not use the teatimer portion, the
Spybot scan is clean. I am running the current version on Sun Java
(version 6 update 13) and there are no other versions on the machine,
actually uninstalled version 6 update 13 yesterday and then rebooted
put it back on with the offline package. I have tried resetting IE7
options to default and cleaned cache. I understand some web sites
act up but since this one behaves fine on your system and my system
should behave correctly on the system I am working on as well. I
the only thing left is to uninstall IE7 and reinstall it, I'll
give that a try tomorrow.
H Brown said:
I agree
That is most likely good thinking, be sure to use the download site
l>ink and heed the advice for downloading and installing IE7.
At least from that site your sure to get a clean install and be sure
to apply IE updates/patches after the new install of IE7.
I don't know anything about Secunia PSI, but after downloading IE7 to
a folder stop any running software apps that could/will/may interfere
with the installation of IE7.
You may want to run IE7 with no add-ons first just to see what
before you **Uninstall* and download ,reinstall IE7**.
H Brown
madmike, you are tracking in the right direction.
Is the machine in Question running the Google tool bar?
I do feel you are headed in the right direction, in order to sort
things out.
When you tried to uninstall IE7, did you get a message from the system
telling you it could not
be uninstalled because you have Service Pack 3 for XP installed after
Or are you trying to use restore points and wanting to roll back?
IE7/IE8 I would think could be uninstalled
through the control panel > uninstall Programs.
You say you removed MS VM for windows. Do you mean you uninstalled
Its is most likely MS VM should be uninstalled, but I don't think you
will be able
to use Uninstall Programs via the Control Panel. Nor am I saying its
the first thing you should do.
Read these two links:
The first thing I would try is running IE7/IE8 with no add-ons for
awhile to see it your issue stops.
If it does, then you can better track down the core cause(s) of your
issue using "Manage add-ons".
Look for Internet Explore - No add-ons in system tools.
After that if its still going on, disable IE7/IE8 from using any 3rd
party browser Extensions and see if
you can pinpoint anything there. There will be some 3rd party tool
bars and other things that may not work while your
checking, but that's the point. You disable in the browser tools
options advanced under the Browser heading.
Between your help & support files and Goggling the Internet you should
be able to find answers to everything
you may want to know more about.
The hardest thing about tracking down an issue such as this one that
your friend is having on their computer,
is knowing for _sure_ when the issue did NOT exist at all. Then being
able to say that this issue only started after the
following changes were made to the system. In you case you have said
after installing IE7. However after reading your treads
to this post I get the feeling that you were trying to help out a
friend and made, perhaps mutable software changes in a short period
of time. Such as Sp3, IE7 and perhaps more. Plus is there anyway you
can be sure that owner of the computer had not tried making some
changes prior to calling you
to their rescue that you are unaware of and then only after your
changes the issue was discovered at some later date.
I have just found else where, the other information (I should have
caught) that you should have quoted and included in your post in the
I understand you are unaware perhaps the difference between forums and
newsgroups. Always quote relevant information no matter from where
your posting.
Conceder using a NNTP newsreader in the future, included with many
Email clients such as IE.
Further more, Caroline\(shadoe\) who I believe is who you referred to
earlier as your sister and the owner of the machine in question. I
will include here copy of her post and replies at this time.
Her post to were
made on MAY 12, 2008, YOU STARTED YOUR POST APRIL 2, 2009.
Your sisters post of MAY 12, 2008 most likely were posted as to this
newsgroup at that time. But would have been deleted some time in
Following Posted by Caroline\(shadoe\) at
I've been constantly getting script error mssgs like the following:
MAY 12, 2008
An error has occurred in the script on this page.
Line: 2
Char: 1
Error: Syntax error
Code: 0
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
................................................... ..................
An error has occurred in the script on this page.
Line: 1
Char: 142
Error: Expected ')'
Code: 0
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
These errors are not limited to particular sites and run at MOST
Ihave run sfc /scannow and restored system to various places...nothing
helps.Any ideas???????TIA
Peter Foldes reply: To Caroline\(shadoe\) MAY 12, 2008
Do the following.
On the Desktop go to your IE icon and right click and select
Properties\Advanced and
take out the checkmark from **Display notification about every script
error*** and
***Disable Script Debugging***
at this point. Appreciate your trying to help.
I went overboard telling you what to check. You don't want a
notification about every error, of course, so you should uncheck that
one. And keep in mind that it's telling you about mistakes made by the
web page designer, not by you!
The problem is that most web developers write code with errors in it.
Consider them incompetent nitwits unqualified to work in their
To solve the problem at your end, in IE7 choose Tools -> Internet
Options, Advanced, and uncheck "display a notification about every
script error". You will still see the little exclamation point in the
lower left corner of IE but the error will not pop up on screen. Most
sites should continue to work well enough.
Yes - absolutely uncheck "display.. about every script error". That's
really the only essential one.
Caroline\(shadoe\) said: MAY 12,2008
Thank you, removed checkmarks from all of following:
Close unused folders in History and Favorites*
Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
Disable script debugging (Other)
Display a notification about every script error
Restarted Explorer, error remained. Restarted computer, error
Problem, remains. Sure sounded like the cure to me

but no such
What else could it be pray tell???
There can still be some problems with other 3rd party software.
Even the anti virus program or other security software being used can
_possibly_ cause your issue.
SpyBot S&D, because not only will the TeaTimer feature, if used cause
problems, but the same
can be said for the Inoculate feature. I am not saying they don't
work, I am saying that both features
can cause most users even some experts when they use those features
trouble. If you ever saw the movie
"Back to the Future 2" then using those features of S&D and then at
just the right time doing a system restore
will cause unexpected results in your Registry and your caught between
the future you came from and the point in the past
you went back to and it can be hard to unravel. Even some types of
Backups can be compromised. I say don't use those features.
If your open to a suggestion, get Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware: from
Use it, and when your satisfied its a better solution you can
uninstall S&D.
All I am saying is in order to track down your issue your going to
have to get at least 3rd party software out
of the picture and then back in the picture a few at a time by using
those things at your disposal like system configuration utility
if it comes to that and it may have after you try the other above
suggestions of paragraph 4 and 3 above.
That being said, if everything else is working ok your issue as to
operations is not monumental at this time, after all it should be only
a mouse
click to get rid of the messages your seeing at only a few web sites.
Because of the latest info I found out about, I will add more less a
Is your sister machine a branded OEM such as HP, DELL etc.etc.
If so have you checked that manufactures site for any updates to the
Model she has.
I would *uninstall* any of the bundled stuff that most OEM include
that I don't use and update what I did.
Anybody from, or living in Nashville, TN that deals with horses
should be able to rein in this issue.
H Brown