Internet Explorer 7/Outlook Express

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I downloaded Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 today and am wondering why the mail
icon doesn't appear on the toolbar. When I had Internet Explorer 6, it
showed the mail icon . I would like to have the mail icon on the toolbar.
Would appreciate someone tell me how to do this. Also I am not real happy
with Internet Explorer 7 and is it possible to re-install Internet Explorer
6? Thank you!
IE 7 doesn't really have that option att he moment. I believe it is due to an
absence of future Windows Mail for Windows Vista, replacement for an Outlook.

I searched on the topic and didn't find anything in the settings that would
allow this. I would suggest going back to IE 6. I don't like Ie 7 myself, but
I'm testing it to see how it works against Mozilla Firefox browser.

Thank you for your quick reply. Now, I have another question, where do I go
to download Internet Explorer 6?
Barbara said:
Thank you for your quick reply. Now, I have another question, where
do I go to download Internet Explorer 6?

I had a problem with IE7 and I found that deleting it (from Add or Delete
programs) restored IE6
All IE 7.0 has done is updated your version of IE 6.0 Just go to control
panel and click the Add/Remove Programs icon. Once the add/remove programs
window has populated look down the list for Internet exploer 7.0 beta and
click the Remove button.

Beta software is not really recommended for general use. It is better on a
test machine that, should anything go wrong, you are would not be bothered
about losing data.

While i am testing it, it does seem to interfer with certain other
applications. Adobe Photoshop CS2, for example cannot find an internet
connection to update - it has no problem with IE 6.0. Another application
called AMUST registry cleaner 3.0 simply will not work when IE 7.0 is
installed. However, talking to the developers of AMUST they have told me
that this latest version hasn't been tested with IE 7.0, so one can hardly
blame them.

John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert

The information in this mail is supplied "as is". No warranty of any
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opinions expressed in this mail..
Today Trevor L. attempted to dazzle everyone with this
profound linguistic utterance
I had a problem with IE7 and I found that deleting it (from
Add or Delete programs) restored IE6

what were you doing with IE7 in the first place? it is beta
code, and still very buggy code at that. I assume you're at
least running a dual-boot system and that you regularly image
your HD? no, then, you shouldn't beta anything unless you enjoy
visits from murphy and his various accomplishes, like bill the
--To all that responded to my inquiry. Thank you so much for all your help,
advice, etc. I deleted Explorer 7 from the Add/Remove Programs and now have
IE 6 once again. Again thanks!
All IE 7.0 has done is updated your version of IE 6.0 Just go to control
panel and click the Add/Remove Programs icon. Once the add/remove programs
window has populated look down the list for Internet exploer 7.0 beta and
click the Remove button.

Beta software is not really recommended for general use. It is better on a
test machine that, should anything go wrong, you are would not be bothered
about losing data.

I have found IE 7 b2 remarkably stable and, although I would not recommend
the use of beta software for the faint of heart, the improvements far
outweigh the dangers and inconveniences of running it.
While i am testing it, it does seem to interfer with certain other
applications. Adobe Photoshop CS2, for example cannot find an internet
connection to update - it has no problem with IE 6.0. Another application
called AMUST registry cleaner 3.0 simply will not work when IE 7.0 is
installed. However, talking to the developers of AMUST they have told me
that this latest version hasn't been tested with IE 7.0, so one can hardly
blame them.

I found these to be minor problems. In fact, the Adobe Update connection
would have had a problem with a fully released version of IE 7.0 until this
module was updated!! But one can perform this update manually, anyway.
