Windows XP Internet Explorer 7 freezes

Nov 6, 2008
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Could someone please tell me how I can stop IE from popping up while on aol?,,When I'm signed on aol IE will open and it freezes my whole computer up and it's doing it more often now,,and I have to shut down,,
I have IE 7 ,,I use DLS to get online,,my laptop is a Dell,,I primarily use AOL as my browser,,any help would be greatly appreciated,
You may email directly at (e-mail removed to stop spambots)
My virus protection is Norton 360 ,I do not use the aol virus protection at all,,
Lsnahawtsauce said:
Could someone please tell me how I can stop IE from popping up while on aol?,,When I'm signed on aol IE will open and it freezes my whole computer up and it's doing it more often now,,and I have to shut down,,
I have IE 7 ,,I use DLS to get online,,my laptop is a Dell,,I primarily use AOL as my browser,,any help would be greatly appreciated,
You may email directly at (e-mail address removed)
My virus protection is Norton 360 ,I do not use the aol virus protection at all,,

First of all welcome:wave:

I see your using Norton 360 Ummm that is one of the problems uninstall it and use a free anti-virus instead >Avast> AVG or Paid for KASPERSKY:thumb: anything is better than Norton..
when you have done that let me know how it goes....
while my opinions are my own.......i recommend switching from AOL. If you pay for DSL, you can get everything AOL offers on the interwebz without all the mucking about in system files it should not modify.

i've experienced what an installation or automatic update of the AOL software can really do.

if you choose to use AOL, prepare for reinstall of the OS frequently............

- Surfer
Lsnahawtsauce said:
Could someone please tell me how I can stop IE from popping up while on aol?,,When I'm signed on aol IE will open and it freezes my whole computer up and it's doing it more often now,,and I have to shut down,,
I have IE 7 ,,I use DLS to get online,,my laptop is a Dell,,I primarily use AOL as my browser,,any help would be greatly appreciated,
You may email directly at (e-mail address removed)
My virus protection is Norton 360 ,I do not use the aol virus protection at all,,
At some point you will come to the conclusion that AOL is not worth the hassles of ... everything. Forget Aol. Get new provider. Until then, use IE7. Should work using account & passord settings from AOL
There is nothing wrong with the AOL service at all. I have been using them since 2004 with hardly a hitch. They do not cap my service or interfere with downloads at all and the service is reliable.

However their software is totaly pants.

Buy a router or a modem/router, like this one,|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318

Then simply un-install all of the AOL software of your pc and connect straight to the internet through the router. Perfect connection and no nasty AOL software to bother about at all.

I have used a Linskys router with the AOL modem with no problems. Am now using a BT 220V unlocked router/modem with no problems in the last 18 months, it cost me nought as I got it through the local Freecycle group.

Are you referring to pop up ads (popping up in IE)?

If so you probably got infected by some sort of malware, and I would suggest using



Spybot S&D


Last edited: don't set AOL to be default. that will ultimately destroy your browsing capabilities. IE integrates with your OS and if you default AOL, explorer might freak on you. trust me...........i seen it. will end up with a reformat of your computer.

get some adware progs. doesnt matter what. try them all.

when you run it, note the name of each instance of infection. once they are all deleted, go thru the registry and delete ANY key that notes ANY instance of the adware infections. That should get things up and going regular. it will be tedious work for sure, but in the end, it should allow you to remove everything.

From that point on, i recommend that you use ur AOL software to do AOL related stuff, but if you choose to browse the Interwebz, use IE or Mozilla, or ANYTHING other than the AOL browser. Simply minimize AOL and open the will see better results that way.

- Surfer