Internet Explorer 7.0 - Don't Download it!!!!

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I received an email that IE 7.0 beta version 2 was available for download. I
downloaded it and it looked good. Then I went to the Update site to see if
there were updates. I hit errors and it had to close. After it closed it
would not reopen.

I tried to go into the Control Panel and take it off my PC. I did; but then
IE 6.0.29 would not open. Some add-on could not find a file, probably the
update add-on from Microsoft.

I called the Microsoft Help Line and they said they would have to charge me
for technical assistance because they do not support their own beta versions,
even when the beta version is what causes a meltdown. They said to contact
the OEM or pay them.

Therefore, I will not longer be a beta tester for Microsoft. Not only do
beta tester not get paid, as the participants in the usability studies; but,
when there are problems with their beta software, Microsoft charges you money
for the fix. Plus, all of your time and effort.
A real beta tester knows better than to install beta software on a
production machine. When the program messes up, as beta software commonly
does, a beta tester makes notes of the circumstances so they can be relayed
to Microsoft - that's what beta testers do - and then rebuilds the test
machine from a disk image. In exchange for a beta tester's valuable input,
the tester gets a sneak peak at what may be coming down the pike.

If you weren't aware of this, how did you become a beta tester in the first
Gotta love your l33t attitude :(

Unfortunately IE7 is still pretty much pants compared to Firefox...
Hi Gary :-)

Try the following and see if it will help:

How to Uninstall IE7 Beta 2 when uninstall files are deleted

If no joy, try a system restore to a date/time prior to the IE7 install, or
do a Repair install to recover IE:
How to do a repair installation of XP - by Doug Knox

Or.... post visit the IE7 microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

On the web:

In your newsreader:

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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Somehow I got on the Microsoft TechNet newletter circuit. I got an email that
said test drive the new IE 7.0. I thought, "Great idea. I can look at it. It
is supposed to be more secure. And, if I like it, I can have otehrs in the
office try it."

Now, this is no different from Microsoft emailing me, and others, to try
their new, beta version, of their anti-spyware - Defender - and their prior
anti-spyware, also beta versions.

I stil hold that Microsoft would want to know about faults with their beta
software and should not charge beta testers to fix problems when they come

I guess I am not a "real beta tester".

Somehow I think I hwould have the same problem being one of the first users
of the commercial versions of Vista. If I had problems running it, I would be
charged for the fix.

It kind of gives and incentive to publish a bad product so that you can
charge for the fix. On cars, they have free recalls. They do not charge test
drivers or buyers for problems inherent in their product(s).
I'm sorry to hear you didn't understand what beta testing software is all

From --

"Support for Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview - released on March 20th -
will not be available from Microsoft. Limited peer-to-peer support is

"Evaluation of Internet Explorer 7 should start now, but the software should
not be used on production systems in mission-critical environments."

Comparisons of IE 7 *beta* to commercially-released software (or other
products) is untenable.

I guess this is the newsletter you got yesterday?

I also take it you didn't read the release notes for IE 7 beta (always a
must for beta software) - Under "Known
Issues...", see the first entry re OS Updates. (This was just two clicks
away using the second link in the newsletter.)
So, if i want the best secure IE version, i should stick with 6 and apply all
Windows updates? It appears my PC went crazy as a result of a recent IE
exploit. I'm looking into other options so need advice on this, mabye firefox.

Does anyone have any advise/links/comparisons on this?

Hi flashcash5 :-)

I have both installed. I tried both. I only use IE6. FF is only installed
now as a backup. No matter which browser you decided to use on a regular
basis, if you have Windows as your OS, you will need to use IE6 for updates.

Check the information here:

Courtesy of PA Bear -

Netscape 7.x, Konqueror 3.x, Opera 7.x, Safari 1.x, Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5.01/5.5/6, Mozilla 0.x, Mozilla 1.0, Mozilla 1.1, Mozilla 1.2,
Mozilla 1.3, Mozilla 1.4, Mozilla 1.5, Mozilla 1.6, Mozilla 1.7.x,
Mozilla *Firefox* 0.x,
Mozilla *Firefox* 1.x

The problem is that a website can inject content into another site's
window if the target name of the window is known. This can e.g. be
exploited by a malicious website to spoof the content of a pop-up window
opened on a trusted website.

Secunia has constructed a test, which can be used to check if your
browser is affected by this issue:

- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Mozilla 1.7.3 and Mozilla
*Firefox* 1.0. Other versions may also be affected.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed on a fully patched system with
Internet Explorer 6.0 and Microsoft Windows XP SP1/SP2.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Safari version 1.2.4. Other
versions may also be affected.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Opera version 7.54. Other
versions may also be affected.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Konqueror version 3.2.2-6.
Other versions may also be affected.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Netscape 7.2. Other versions
may also be affected.

Solution: Do not browse untrusted sites while browsing trusted sites.


You can judge for yourself which you'd rather use as your primary browser.

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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Thanks Jan Il, was just wondering what people around here thought.
I'll be popping by again soon so if anyone has anything else to add, i'd be
glad to hear it.

Thanx again cya around :)

Jan Il said:
Hi flashcash5 :-)

I have both installed. I tried both. I only use IE6. FF is only installed
now as a backup. No matter which browser you decided to use on a regular
basis, if you have Windows as your OS, you will need to use IE6 for updates.

Check the information here:

Courtesy of PA Bear -

Netscape 7.x, Konqueror 3.x, Opera 7.x, Safari 1.x, Microsoft Internet
Explorer 5.01/5.5/6, Mozilla 0.x, Mozilla 1.0, Mozilla 1.1, Mozilla 1.2,
Mozilla 1.3, Mozilla 1.4, Mozilla 1.5, Mozilla 1.6, Mozilla 1.7.x,
Mozilla *Firefox* 0.x,
Mozilla *Firefox* 1.x

The problem is that a website can inject content into another site's
window if the target name of the window is known. This can e.g. be
exploited by a malicious website to spoof the content of a pop-up window
opened on a trusted website.

Secunia has constructed a test, which can be used to check if your
browser is affected by this issue:

- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Mozilla 1.7.3 and Mozilla
*Firefox* 1.0. Other versions may also be affected.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed on a fully patched system with
Internet Explorer 6.0 and Microsoft Windows XP SP1/SP2.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Safari version 1.2.4. Other
versions may also be affected.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Opera version 7.54. Other
versions may also be affected.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Konqueror version 3.2.2-6.
Other versions may also be affected.
- The vulnerability has been confirmed in Netscape 7.2. Other versions
may also be affected.

Solution: Do not browse untrusted sites while browsing trusted sites.


You can judge for yourself which you'd rather use as your primary browser.

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows IE/OE [DTS/AumHa]
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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So, if i want the best secure IE version, i should stick with 6 and apply
Windows updates? It appears my PC went crazy as a result of a recent IE
exploit. I'm looking into other options so need advice on this, mabye

Does anyone have any advise/links/comparisons on this?

Internet Explorer 7.0 is a piece of garbage. It locks up periodically
and java and pdf's give me problems.

It is still a Beta in test. What did you expect? Are you a knowledgeable Beta Tester or just
being stupid in a No-Stupid zone?

: Internet Explorer 7.0 is a piece of garbage. It locks up periodically
: and java and pdf's give me problems.
: Grant