Internet Explorer 6



When I try to open internet explorer 6 or any folder I get
the following message: This module was compiled with a
trial version of Delphi. This trial period has expired.
What should I do? I need help.

Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Kerry,

Start Windows in Safe Mode
Access Add/Remove Programs applet from Control Panel
Uninstall CPR
Locate the file named CPR.DLL in the system and Delete it.
Restart Windows

Download Ad-Aware from
(Make sure you update it to current definitions 29th). Run a full system

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

~ Please reply to newsgroup ~

When I try to open internet explorer 6 or any folder I get
the following message: This module was compiled with a
trial version of Delphi. This trial period has expired.
What should I do? I need help.

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