internet explorer 6 opened to "about blank" even though a different home page is set

  • Thread starter Thread starter Doctorpc631
  • Start date Start date
The site address is a good address, so make sure that it is typed exactly
the same in the homepage URL box on Tool/Options. It is best to delete
everything there and start over. That way you do not get hidden characters
like spaces or tabs. Your line should look like:

Note the forward slashes ( // ) and the colon ( : )

Also, always use lower case letters and no spaces or other special
Okay, try getting to the site directly by typing the address directly in the
Address box of your browswer. To do that, click once in the Address box,
this selects whatever entry is there. Your typing will now replace whatever
is there. Type in the complete address,, or even
more simple, click on link here in this message. If you can see the site
okay, then the problem has to be with the homepage gizzmo in Tool/Internet
Options, in which case I think I'd reload MIE.

There are only two things that I can think of beyond what we've talked
about, that can keep the page from showing up. 1) you are not online
2)your ISP does not have access to this particular site.