Internet explorer 6 not showing pictures



I was having trouble with IE6 encountering problems and shutting down so I
reinstalled IE6 and now some pages won't show pictures or backgrounds, for
example won't show anything except the login area however shows everything ok also won't show correctly but will. I'm really stumped. Any ideas?


by the way, I have service pack 1 so it's not the problem with service pack
2s security feature


Upon further investigation I found that IE seems to be picking the wrong
encoding type for certain websites. With autoselect enabled or disabled IE
always resorts back to Western European (ISO) on sites that should have
Western European (Windows) When I manually choise the proper encoding the
page displays properly however I would like to not have to manually change
the encoding everytime I visit an affected website. Could this be fixed with
a registry fix to tell IE to default to Western European (Windows) or some
other fix? Thanks.


Hi! I wonder if you or anyone else have found an answer to this issue
because I have the same problem.

/ Lena

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

lapg said:
Hi! I wonder if you or anyone else have found an answer to this issue
because I have the same problem.

/ Lena

This has never been true for me. I have yet to find a site that will not
show pictures unless I change IE's encoding to Western (Windows). If the
site specifies an encoding IE uses that encoding. If it does not specify an
encoding my IE uses Western (ISO) and I see the pictures. My conclusion is
that some other program is interfering. I have Auto-select on.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
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Ok, one site is e.g and there should be a graphic in
the middle. The pic is loaded, but it seems blank to me. Very strange and I
cannot understand what program would create this problem. I have tried
several computers at work with both XP, NT IE5 and IE6 and the same problem

/ Lena

Gary Smith

Frank Saunders said:
Okay, I can't get any pictures there with Western (ISO). But then, I can't
get any with Western (Windows), either.

I see nothing except "westford media" in very small type and two small
buttons. Most of the screen is a blank gold background. This is true
with IE set to Western European (ISO) and also with Firefox, set however
it defaults. There's apparently something hiding there though, because
moving the mouse cursor to certain parts of the screens will cause the
Image Toolbar to display.

Robert Aldwinckle

lapg said:
Ok, one site is e.g and there should be a graphic in
the middle. The pic is loaded, but it seems blank to me.

It looks to me that the "graphic" is just a rectangle which is the same
color as the background color. To see this turn images off and then
use right-click Show Picture or right-click Properties and launch the
image in its own window.

BTW the whole thing is cacheable so you can do all these experiments
off line without causing any concern to the web site.


Robert Aldwinckle


I was wrong about the website. It should look like
that, I just had wrong information.

But on this site just to the left of "CV-logga in" there
should be a picture that I just cannot see.....Anyone else having the same

/ Lena

Robert Aldwinckle

lapg said:
I was wrong about the website. It should look like
that, I just had wrong information.

But on this site just to the left of "CV-logga in" there
should be a picture that I just cannot see.....Anyone else having the same

Try setting Work Offline (press Alt-F,W) and tell us if you can then load

If it is not cached then either your browser didn't even try to download it
or there was a problem downloading it or it was downloaded but not rendered
and was not cacheable. (In this particular case the image is cacheable.)
Unfortunately, all 4 cases (including the cached but not rendered case) result
in the same symptom. I think it would be useful if people could start tabulating
types of Red-X to give us some kind of idea of which is most common.

How to find that Red-X URL next time:
1. Toggle-Images (e.g. uncheck Show Pictures in Advanced tab,
Multimedia section)
2. Clone the page (press Ctrl-N)
3. Right-click the equivalent image placeholder and select Properties
4. Doubleclick somewhere in the Address (URL): field
5. Press Ctrl-a, Ctrl-c
6. Close the Properties page (press Esc)
7. Paste into the Address bar (press Alt-d, Ctrl-v)

BTW WRT Tristan's (OP's) point about "wrong encoding",
in this example I can't find any characterset specified in either
the main page or in its core.css Stylesheet. Like Frank,
I get Auto-Select giving me Western European (Windows).
Perhaps then the selection of characterset is determined
by something else, such as localized version of Windows
or Language settings.

In that case it may be useful to know what your settings are.
You can generate a report of them here:

(Scroll down; the list is at the bottom of the right column.)

In case those things make a difference you could experiment
most simply by changing your browser's setting with Alt-T,O,Alt-L,...
The only other one you can change is controlled by the
Regional and Language Options Control Panel applet.
I can never remember which one does what.
If you experiment perhaps you will have more incentive than me
to keep track of how that applet affects the above diagnostics
and whether changes to them have any effect on the Auto-Selected

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle


I also had a problem with viewing the pictures at there were only grey pics where the
real pictures should be. But I received help from another forum that maybe an
ad-blocker blocked the pictures at this site and that was right. So half of
the problem is solved...

But regarding I still cannot see the picture. It does not
seem to have anything to do with language selection either???!!!

/ Lena

Robert Aldwinckle

But regarding I still cannot see the picture. It does not
seem to have anything to do with language selection either???!!!

What tests did you try?
Can you load the URL I broke out for you offline?
Can you load the URL I broke out for you online?
Did you go to that test site I suggested you try
to find out your Language settings? What were they?


I found this article at Microsoft Support...;en-us;817177

It's not really that helpful, since it says essentially that you cannot fix
it unless you call tech support, but it might explain your problem.

I'm having a similar problem. Some images do not load on some websites...
for instance on I can't see the pics for "Christmas in
Victoria" or "Wanna fight?". The images are not loaded at all, there is no
red x or anything.

Ummmm... like I said, I don't know how to fix the problem, but maybe this'll



Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Mariana said:
I found this article at Microsoft Support...;en-us;817177

It's not really that helpful, since it says essentially that you
cannot fix it unless you call tech support, but it might explain your

I'm having a similar problem. Some images do not load on some
websites... for instance on I can't see the pics
for "Christmas in Victoria" or "Wanna fight?". The images are not
loaded at all, there is no red x or anything.

Ummmm... like I said, I don't know how to fix the problem, but maybe
this'll help.



Actually, if you contact Product Support per the article and they determine
that you need the fix it will be free. If you read carefully the article
says that.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Robert Aldwinckle

Mariana said:
I found this article at Microsoft Support...;en-us;817177

It's not really that helpful, since it says essentially that you cannot fix
it unless you call tech support, but it might explain your problem.

31-Jul-2003 19:43 6.0.2800.1240 2,798,592 Mshtml.dll

That is a fairly old version of mshtml.dll.
I think that that hotfix may have been integrated into one of the cumulative
security updates (before the policy change in MS04-038).
In any case you could try the latest rollup 873377

<title>An update rollup is available for Internet Explorer 6 SP1</title>

which would give XPsp1 users

29-Sep-2004 06:42 6.0.2800.1477 2,809,856 Mshtml.dll
I'm having a similar problem. Some images do not load on some websites...
for instance on I can't see the pics for "Christmas in
Victoria" or "Wanna fight?". The images are not loaded at all, there is no
red x or anything.

The first item doesn't seem to be on the home page so I have no idea
what it would be. Again, though, neither the home page nor its styesheet
specify characterset. I didn't bother checking if that might have been done
by any of the various script files.

Here is the link to the second.

It is stored as a .jpg but inside if appears to be JFIF (whatever that is.)
So, just in case it matters, check with your Folder Options, if you have
an extension JFIF associated with file type JPEG Image and if so,
what is the open action. FWIW here is mine:

rundll32.exe D:\WINDOWS\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_Fullscreen %1

If you prefer you can reset *all* image types to that association
by Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter:)

regsvr32 /i shimgvw.dll

I suggest the same tests with that link that I suggested to Lena with hers:
1. Try to open that URL first while offline. (It caches for me.)
2. Otherwise try to open that URL while online.
3. Go to
and tell us your Language settings
4. Experiment with changes to EN-US if applicable.

Good luck



Ok, but I have IE SP2 so then they say that the problem should be fixed. But
it´s not..

/ Lena

Robert Aldwinckle

lapg said:
Ok, but I have IE SP2 so then they say that the problem should be fixed. But
it´s not..

So what version of mshtml.dll do you have?
Notice that the MS04-038 cumulative update did apply to XPsp2
which tells you that you could now have
(expand [+] Security Update Information for
[+] Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP Service Pack 2)

29-Sep-2004 18:47 6.0.2900.2523 3,004,928 Mshtml.dll X86SP2GDR


29-Sep-2004 18:27 6.0.2900.2524 3,004,928 Mshtml.dll X86SP2QFE

Notice that in order to get the cumulative hotfix version you would
have had to have a previous hotfix version. Perhaps you could
use the XML file from MBSA to show you which hotfix you could
legitimately request to get that version. (I couldn't find one quickly
using MSKB searches.)

If you have either of those versions, especially the hotfix one,
my conclusion would be that you have a different problem
with a similar symptom. That would not be surprising as your
symptom description so far is quite vague.

Did you try any of the diagnostics I suggested?
That should help you refine your symptom description.



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